Dice Throne Rules

Dice Throne Rules

What’s this about?

Dice Throne

This is an official rules reference for Dice Throne.

It’s great for finding a specific rule quickly. It’s also an excellent supplement to the rulebook included in the box, when watching a how-to-play video, or while teaching the game.

Dynamic Rules

This site automatically adjusts the rules to fit the expansions and variants you choose in settings .

Usage Tips

Back & Forward Nav: Think of each rule entry as a separate webpage. If you want to jump back, hit your Back button.

Check the Index : Don’t see what you’re looking for? The Index has every term in the game.

Install it: This site is a (Progressive Web App). You can install it as a standalone app that is lightning fast, and works even when you’re offline.

Link to a rule: Want to share a link to a particular rule? Just click its title!


Game design: Nate Chatellier, Manny Trembley, Gavan Brown

Game development: Nate Chatellier, John Heidrich

Graphic design: Gavan Brown, Gui Landgraf, Britt Anderson, Nick Malara

Illustration: Manny Trembley, Nick Malara, Britt Anderson

Operations: Aaron Waltmann, Jeff Beal

Community Development Director: Jonathan Herrera-Thomas

Media and Marketing: Josh Vett

Trays & Storage: TrayForge, GameTrayz

Main rulebook editors: John Heidrich and many others who helped

Playtesters: John Heidrich, Noah Burke, Jonathan Westfall, Heather Hash, Michael Hash, Nick Lem, Kevin Heidrich, Christopher Peterson, Jacob Adams, Rex Edward Custorio, Grace Galayda, Rick May, Chris Petkidis, Patrick Woodward, Cam Roberts, Josh Hou, Derick Gilkeson, Dustin Millican, Devin Elie, Drake Finney, Eric Bouma, Kasey Schertenleib, Dino Pathoummahong, David Jacobson, Daniel Dar, Luke Pinyerd, Corey Cook, Todd Daniels, Justin Nguyen, Ryan Muehlberg, Brandt Arganbright, Danny Jacobson, Tomer Rosenbaum, Jeffrey Jacobson, Ashton Jacobson, Veronica Elie, Dylan Chin, Liam Fairley, Sammi Roberts, Sarah Slyman and the rest of the beta team.

For Hero specific credits, see Hero Leaflets.

And the BIGGEST thanks goes to you for purchasing this game and helping us to pursue our dream of creating Dice Throne.

Up to date as of


An Ability is printed on the Hero Board, minion card, or boss board, henchmen panel, or boss details. See each different ability description for more information.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend to make your Attack undefendable:

A player with this token may spend it at the conclusion of their Offensive Roll Phase to make their Attack undefendable.

Attack Modifier.

Ace cards

Ace Cards


‘Explode’ these cards to deal damage:


When someone in your gaming group performs one of these feats, have them initial the box to be remembered forever in your Great Charter!

Download at: achievements.dicethrone.com

Action Cards

Action cards (identified by a icon) are single use cards that provide a benefit. Action cards may be played at different times, depending on their color.

To Play an Action Card

  1. Spend the required (shown on the left side of the card).
  2. Perform the described action and then place the card onto your Discard Pile.

Instant Action Cards

Main Phase Action Cards

Roll Phase Action Cards


Some Abilities, status effects, and Companions may be activated when their Activation Requirement is met.

Activating Offensive and Defensive Abilities

Once a Final Dice Result is determined, a player may activate an Offensive or Defensive Ability.

  1. Determine its variable effects (some abilities require additional steps to determine their full effects).

  2. Resolve any effects that do not require a target (e.g. gain Evasive , gain Back Strike , Heal , etc).

Activation Requirement

This term is used in several places throughout Dice Throne. In regards to board abilities, the Activation Requirement is the die faces required to Activate the ability. In regards to status effects or companions, the Activation Requirement will vary based on the description of each. Please read each ability, status effect, or companion description carefully to understand each Activation Requirement.

Active Player

The player who’s turn it currently is.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

A player with these tokens may spend them for a variety of effects:


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Spend & roll 1–3 to avoid damage:

When a player with this token receives damage, they may spend it and roll 1 . If the outcome is 1–3, prevent incoming damage (rounded up).



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Roll 1 and possibly skip Income Phase:

When a player is inflicted with this token as a result of an Attack, they and their Attacker each immediately roll 1 . If the Attacker’s roll is less, this token is removed.

A player afflicted with this token must skip their Income Phase and then remove this token. This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).


Artificer Complexity 6

To underestimate the Artificer is to invite destruction by a cold & calculated robotic assault. His deranged love for metallic tools-of-destruction is second only to his desire to see all combatants reduced to nothing.

Weapon of choice: Robot Army


Rule Clarifications

Spending Synth

Your opponent may not spend 2 Synth to build a Bot (only the Artificer can build Bots). Synth gained during your Roll Phase may be spent the turn it is gained to Activate a Bot (such as the Heal Bot during the Defensive Roll Phase).

Building Bots

You must build a Basic Bot before upgrading to an Advanced Bot. After a Bot is built, it cannot be removed or destroyed.

Activating Bots

The “Activation limit” refers to how many times it can be used during a single Phase. “Ignore normal activation requirements” means that you may Activate any built Bot without spending Synth .

Heal Bot

May be Activated even if the incoming damage from an Attack is undefendable. Cannot be activated against an Ultimate. It cannot be used if the Artificer is receiving collateral dmg or receiving damage from an opponent’s Defensive Ability. When healed by the Heal Bot, the amount is accumulated with all other damage dealt during the Offensive Roll Phase.

Shock Bot

The damage added by a Shock Bot is not a separate instance of damage. It is accumulated with all other damage dealt during the Offensive Roll Phase. The Shock Bot’s damage type matches that of the Offensive Ability that was activated.


When the Nanobot is activated during the Offensive Roll Phase, the Nanobot’s damage type matches that of the Offensive Ability that was activated. The damage is accumulated with all other dmg dealt and is applied simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

Artificer Mirror Match

A Nanobot will Detonate all Nanites Nanite, even ones that were inflicted by a different Artificer.


An Attack is an Offensive Ability that deals at least dmg that targets an opponent (i.e. not collateral dmg).

Attack Modifiers

Attack Modifier card

Any card or status effect that modifies an Attack is considered an “Attack Modifier.”

Can be played before or after the Defensive Ability is activated.

Damage added by Attack Modifiers is considered to be of the same damage type as the original damage being dealt.

Attack Modifiers can only be used on Attacks (i.e. an Offensive Ability that targets an opponent with at least dmg).

Note: Attack Modifiers can only be played on an Attack you are activating during your turn (unless otherwise noted).

Back Strike

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend to deal ½ of 1 dmg:

When a player with Back Strike has incoming damage as a result of an opponent’s Offensive Roll Phase, they may choose to spend this token. If spent, roll 1 . Then deal ½ the value as dmg (rounded up) to that opponent.

Bag of Tricks

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Roll and gain a surprise:

During their Upkeep Phase, a player with this token removes it and rolls 1 :


Barbarian Complexity 1

The Barbarian isn’t the most elegant hero around. He loves to smash things. He is known for hitting his opponents so hard, they are left stunned and concussed. His endless barrage of heavy-hitting attacks shows that even the most simple fighting style can be deadly.

Weapon of choice: Anything that goes chop or smash


Rules Clarifications


While you are stunned, you cannot take any actions of any kind. Even if your opponent has an ability, status effect, or card that could prevent an incoming status effect, Stun is inflicted before any damage is dealt. However, a teammate who is not stunned could perform actions to remove Stun (unless the Stun was inflicted from your Ultimate, in which case no opponent can perform any action).

Once you remove the Stun token and start a new Offensive Roll Phase, your opponent is no longer stunned and may act normally.


Cards can be used to manipulate the three dice when calculating the damage of the ability. However, once the roll value is locked in, you cannot go back to change the outcome.

Thick Skin

All damage, prevention, and healing is applied simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase. For Thick Skin II, if you would become inflicted with a status effect that you are already inflicted with (such as Blind ), you will prevent the second incoming status effect (such as Blind ) and would still be inflicted with the first one. The initial status effect was already in place before the Defensive Ability was activated and is not removed.

Head Bash

This card can only be played after damage calculation, if your opponent successfully received at least points of damage. No damage prevention cards or status effects can be played at this point as damage is successfully dealt.

Barbed Vine

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Receive dmg for additional Roll Attempts:

A player afflicted with this token receives dmg for each Roll Attempt beyond the first during their Offensive Roll Phase, up to a maximum of dmg per turn. This token is removed, and then this dmg is applied at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

Battle Plan

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

A player with these tokens may spend them to activate each effect once per turn:

Black Panther

Black Panther Complexity 2

Black Panther is the ruler and protector of Wakanda; a job fit for a king. With the help of the heartshaped herb granting him legendary power, harnessed by his vibranium suit, T’Challa protects his people as the latest in a legacy line of Black Panther warriors.

Weapon of choice: Vibranium Claws


Rules Clarifications

Boosting damage from Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy

If you gain Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy from an Attack, the damage is boosted right away. however, if you gain the 8th token while activating an attack, Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy would burst immediately and then the Attack would proceed normally, not granting boosted damage.

Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy bursting

When Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy bursts, the damage can be prevented or avoided, but no Defensive Ability is activated because it is not an Attack.

Gaining Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy

Your Energy Absorbtion Passive Ability grants you Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy from any damage type, except Ultimate. remember that damage is added together and dealt at the end of the phase, so you will only gain 1 Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy regardless of the number of damage sources. The only exception is isolated damage sources that are dealt immediately.

You must first receive damage before gaining any Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy. If you gain tokens as a result of your opponent’s Defensive Ability, your damage will not be increased (as all damage calculations were already finished). Similarly, if your opponent’s Attack reduces your Health to and this would cause you to gain your 8th token, you would be defeated before gaining it.

When gaining Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy, you cannot choose to skip adding the token.

Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy Stack Limit

All token gains happen at once. If you have 7 Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy and gain 2 more, since your Stack Limit is 8, the extra Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy is “wasted” and not gained.

Vibranium Suit Vibranium Suit

You can spend Vibranium Suit Vibranium Suit against any damage type, except Ultimate.


Black Widow

Black Widow Complexity 4

Trained from a young age in the Red Room, Natasha Romanoff grew up to be a master spy and physical combatant with no peers. After years of working alone, she found an ally in the Avengers, where she now fights crime under the moniker, Black Widow.

Weapon of choice: Stun Batons


Rules Clarifications

Transferring Time Bomb Time Bomb 2

If a Time Bomb Time Bomb 2 is transferred, the token is placed on the same side it was on before the transfer.

Drawing cards from an upgraded Passive Ability

If you activate your Ultimate Ability and one of the upgrades chosen is Red Room Training II, you cannot draw a card for playing the second upgrade after it (the upgrades are considered to have been played simultaneously). However, all other means of putting an Ability Upgrade into play will trigger the “draw ” effect of the Ability.

Spending Agility

You can spend Agility at any time and against all incoming damage types, except Ultimate.

Preventing damage with Agility

If you prevent and also prevent from your defense, you first subtract from incoming dmg, then prevent of the remainder (rounded up).

If 2 Agility succeed against the same Attack, both are calculated independently of each other. This will result in halving the incoming damage in half twice, resulting in all incoming damage being prevented.

Playing Ability Upgrades during Roll Phase

You may play an Ability Upgrade just before activating that ability. However, your opponent still has the opportunity to alter your dice after you have played your Ability Upgrade, preventing you from activating it.



Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Roll 1 in Upkeep Phase. On 1–4, receive dmg, otherwise, remove token:

A player afflicted with this token must roll 1 during their Upkeep Phase. On 1–4, they are dealt dmg. On 5–6, remove this token.

Blessing of Divinity

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Prevent being defeated:

The next time a player (or team) with this token would have their health reduced to , remove this token and set their health to instead. This token may not be removed or transferred by any other means.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

On 1–2, fail your Offensive Roll Phase:

The next time a player afflicted with this token activates an Offensive Ability, they must remove it and roll 1 . On 1-2, their Offensive Ability fails to activate and has no effect of any kind.

If a player concludes their Offensive Roll Phase without activating an Offensive Ability, remove this token.

Blinding Light

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Roll 1 to fail or reduce Attack dmg:

The next time a player afflicted with this token activates an Offensive Ability, they must remove this token and roll 1 :

Blood Power

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

A player with these tokens may spend them to activate each effect once per turn:

If your Attack successfully deals dmg to an opponent afflicted with 2 Bleed tokens, gain Blood Power at the conclusion of your turn.

Bonus Damage

Bonus Damage

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Bonus Damage tokens add the indicated amount of damage to an Attack. Attack Modifier.

If you gain a Bonus Damage token while at Stack Limit, you must either replace a previous Bonus Damage token, or discard the new Bonus Damage token.


Previously defeated in battle by the Mad King and now in his eternal servitude, they are found in the Boss Battle scenarios after each Portal Crawl.

Boss Board

Each boss has a board that has the same information as a Hero Board.

Boss Battle

For each Boss Battle scenario, you will be working together to fight a Boss. You and your team will take turns operating the Boss the same way you did for the Minions. Some preparation is necessary.

Refer to the Boss Battle scenario card:

Boss Battle Setup

Boss Battle Setup
  1. Choose 1 Health dial for your team and set it to the amount indicated on the Boss Battle scenario card. When you face a Boss, your team shares a common pool of Health.

  2. In the center of the table, place the following (as you would arrange them for a normal Dice Throne player):

    • Boss’ board , leaflet , status effect tokens , and card deck
    • Enemy dial - Health side up
    • Enemy dial - side up
    • 5 Chaos dice Chaos Dice
    • King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens of the quantity indicated on the Boss Battle scenario card
  3. Separate the Boss’ cards into two decks and shuffle each deck:

    • Action deck - Action cards used by the Boss during the battle. All Action cards can be identified by an action star () on the left side of the card.

    • Upgrade deck - Upgrade cards used only for Boss Setup. Upgrade cards can be identified by the upgrade arrow () on the left side of the card.

  4. Set the Boss CP dial to the “Upgrade CP” value indicated on the Boss Battle scenario card.

  5. One by one, turn over the top card from the Boss’ Upgrade deck and place them on the matching Ability of the Boss’ board. For each card:

    Boss Upgrade Cost
    • The Boss spends Upgrade CP according to the card’s cost.
    • When upgrading from a level 2 card to a level 3 card, only spend the difference in cost.
    • If it is a level 2 Upgrade card and the Boss already has the level 3 Upgrade card, discard it and draw another (no Upgrade CP is gained from discarding).
    • If the Boss could place the Upgrade card, but cannot afford the cost, discard it and stop drawing cards.

    Boss board Setup is now complete.

  6. Upgrade cards remaining in the Upgrade deck or discarded can be set aside or returned to the box.

  7. Set the Enemy dial ( side up) to the indicated Starting CP value shown on the Scenario card.

  8. Set the Enemy dial (Health side up) to the indicated Health value shown on the Scenario card.

The Boss is now prepared for battle!

End of Battle

Whether you are victorious or are defeated in battle, you will receive some reward and your journey will continue. (see Scenario Conclusion)

Note: In the rare situation that you and the Boss are reduced to Health at the same time, your team is victorious.

Boss Loot

Boss Loot

Whether you’ve won or lost a Boss Battle, you will now gain Boss Loot. Turn the Loot board over to the Boss Loot side and perform the following steps a number of times equal to the quantity of chests shown under “Boss Loot” in the Conclusion section of the Boss Battle Scenario card.

  1. Each player rolls their Loot die Loot die.

  2. Examine the Boss Loot table and take the top card from the corresponding Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary Loot deck according to the result of your die roll.

  3. Examine the drawn card and choose to either:

    • Immediately add the card to your deck.

    • Discard the card. For each card discarded in this fashion your team will gain 1 Scenario Point, which should be recorded on your Campaign Score sheet (in the “Unclaimed Boss Loot” row).

If your reward is a Loot card of a lower level than one already in your deck, place the lower level card on the bottom of its Loot deck and draw a replacement card from the top. Repeat this as many times as necessary.

Boss Portal

Boss Portal

The final Environment you need to explore to complete a Portal Crawl. May not be explored until all 3 Portal Shards Portal Shards have been collected.

Boss Step

During step 3 of a Boss Battle turn the teammate before you now performs the Boss’ turn, which is a standard Dice Throne turn with a few exceptions:

  1. Upkeep Phase

    Resolve applicable status effects.

  2. Income Phase

    Hero Bonus

    The Active Player gains a Hero Bonus of 1 Salve Salve.

    • Increase the Boss dial by . Like Dice Throne Heroes, Bosses can have a maximum of .

    • Draw a card from the Boss Action deck (flip it over and place it back on their deck).

    • The Active Player immediately gains the Hero Bonus shown in the top right corner of the card.

  3. Main Phase (1)

    • If the card drawn during the Income Phase was a Main Phase Action card, the Boss plays it by spending CP equal to the cards CP cost. After resolving the card, place it in the discard pile.

    • If the Boss cannot afford the CP cost of the card or the card would have no effect, the card is sold (discarded), increasing the Boss dial by .

    • If the drawn card is a Roll Phase Action card, ignore it until the Offensive Roll Phase.

  4. Offensive Roll Phase

    1. Roll the 5 Chaos dice Chaos Dice:

      • Roll Objective

        Re-roll any dice that do not match the Roll Objective shown on the last drawn card.

      • Re-roll dice a second time if the Roll Objective has still not been met.

    2. Boss Ability Priority

      Activate an Ability: The Boss then Activates the ability with the highest priority number that it has fulfilled the Activation Requirement for, regardless of what the original Roll Objective was.

    3. Resolve Roll Phase Action cards: If the Boss had drawn a Roll Phase Action card, they now spend CP equal to the cards CP cost and resolve the card’s effect.

      If the card would have no effect, or the Boss cannot afford to play it, it is sold (discarded) at the conclusion of the Defensive Roll Phase for (the card may still be useful if the Boss performs another Offensive Roll Phase due to a successful King’s Hand roll).

      Roll Objective straights example 1

      The 2 is rerolled because only one 2 should be kept.

      Roll Objective straights example 2

      6 is kept because it forms a Small Straight.

      Roll Objective straights example 3

      1 and 6 are re-rolled because neither one forms a Small or Large Straight.

      When the Roll Objective is Straights, adhere to the following rules when choosing which dice to re-roll:

      • Keep exactly one of each 2, 3, 4, and 5 result.

      • Only keep a 1 or 6 value if it is already part of a Small or Large Straight.

      Remember: If the Boss fails to activate an ability on its turn, they will spend one or more King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens in an attempt to start another Offensive Roll Phase.

  5. Targeting Roll Phase

    The Boss targets you (the Hero whose turn it currently is).

  6. Defensive Roll Phase

    If the Boss’ Attack is defendable, activate your Defensive Ability.

  7. Main Phase (2) - Skip this phase.

  8. Discard Phase - Skip this phase.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Increase incoming Attack dmg by and the Attacker gains :

When a player afflicted with this token is Attacked by an opponent, the Attacker increases their dmg by and gains . Attack Modifier. Persistent.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Receive dmg in Upkeep Phase:

A player afflicted with this token receives dmg during their Upkeep Phase.



A campaign consists of 8 scenarios which alternate between two different game modes:

If your team successfully completes a scenario, you will receive rewards, scenario score, and then advance to the next scenario. If your team fails to complete a scenario, you will be required to repeat it until you finally achieve victory (unless otherwise specified by your Difficulty card).

Once you defeat the Mad King, your team has successfully completed the campaign!

Campaign Score

Total Campaign Score

After defeating the Mad King and recording your final session score, total your campaign score by adding up all the “won” and “lost” session scores. This is a great tool when comparing different campaigns of Dice Throne Adventures.

Go to myscore.dicethrone.com to share your score see how others have fared in their conquest for the Throne!

You can download and print more copies of the score sheet from scoresheet.dicethrone.com.

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel Complexity 2

After an alien device mutated her DNA, Carol Danvers transformed from a brilliant pilot into one of the most powerful Super Heroes in the universe. Now soaring among the stars, Carol Danvers is known as Captain Marvel!

Weapon of choice: Photon Blasts


Rules Clarifications

Spending Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray

Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray can be spent any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before damage is dealt. If spent when you are dealing undefendable damage, the added damage also becomes undefendable.

Cannot be spent when dealing pure damage (which can never be modified).

You can never spend two Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray in the same turn.

Gaining Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray

If you already have 2 Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray and would gain another, you can spend one of the original two tokens before gaining a new one, as long as at least one of those original Cosmic Ray Cosmic Ray tokens was not gained this turn (as you cannot spend them the same turn you gain them).

Energy Refraction Defensive Ability

If you roll , you will gain 2 Cosmic Flare Cosmic Flare because you gain 1 Cosmic Flare Cosmic Flare token for every rolled.

Removing Cosmic Flare Cosmic Flare

If you have a Cosmic Flare Cosmic Flare token during your Upkeep Phase, it must be spent and 1 token must be removed (it is not optional).


Card Caddy

Loading the Card Caddy

Dice Throne Adventures includes a functional Card Caddy. Before playing your first game, you must first load all the game’s cards and Environment tiles into it. Behind each deck of cards, place the associated divider. Make sure all content is faced with the card backs toward you and the Minion cards closest to you.

Watch a video demonstration of how to load the Card Caddy.

Card Caddy
  1. Level I Minion deck and divider.

  2. Level II Minion deck and divider.

  3. Level III Minion deck and divider.

  4. Level IV Minion deck and divider.

  5. Scenario cards and divider. Behind the Scenario card divider, place Legacy pack A (do not open).

  6. Fallen Barbarian Boss deck and divider.

  7. Fallen Gunslinger Boss deck and divider.

  8. Fallen Monk Boss deck and divider.

  9. Mad King Boss deck and divider.

  10. Legacy packs C & D (do not open). Behind the Legacy packs place an “Other cards” divider. This area is also handy for storing your Hero’s extra unused card sleeves.

  11. Common Loot cards and divider.

  12. Rare Loot cards and divider.

  13. Epic Loot cards and divider.

  14. Legendary Loot cards and divider.

  15. Turn Order Player aids and Difficulty cards. Behind these cards place an “Other cards” divider.

  16. Legacy pack B (do not open).

  17. Place each stack of Environment tiles. Each Level of Environments should be together. Also place the Crimson Sands and Boss Portal Tile here.

Assigning a Banker

We recommend that before starting the game, assign the duty of “Banker” to one player at the table. The Banker should give cards directly from the Card Caddy to players when necessary.


Chaos Token

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 6

These tokens are gained and spent by various Minions and Bosses to power certain abilities. The specific Minion/Boss ability indicates how these tokens are used. These tokens may not be used by Heroes.

Chaos Dice

The 5 dice Chaos Dice used by Minions and Bosses.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend to re-roll or change one of your dice to a 6:

A player with this token may:


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

A player may spend these tokens to increase or reduce dmg:

Chi tokens may be spent at any time to prevent incoming damage per token.

Alternatively, you may spend Chi to increase Attack dmg by per token spent. Chi may not be used to increase dmg the turn that it was gained.

Attack Modifier.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Remove one status effect:

A player with this token may spend it at any time to remove a single status effect from themselves.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

Prevents from being gained:

The next time a player with four of these tokens would gain , they must first remove all Coal tokens. Then reduce the amount of gained by .

Combat Points

Combat Points Dial

CP Dial

Important: In a 1v1 game, the Start Player must skip their first Income Phase.


Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Perform another Offensive Roll Phase:

If your Offensive Roll Phase resulted in an Attack, you may spend this token at the conclusion of your opponent’s Defensive Roll Phase. If spent, immediately target the same opponent with an additional Offensive Roll Phase.

Can only spend once per turn.

This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).



Some Heroes have Companions, which are represented by tokens, dials, or other custom components. Companions are not status effects, and are therefore immune to cards and abilities that interact with status effects.

Companions feature custom rules on the Hero Leaflet. They cannot be removed, transferred, or destroyed, unless otherwise specified in the Companion’s ruleset.

Companions can be interrupted in the same way that status effects can be interrupted.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Skip Income Phase:

A player afflicted with this token must skip their Income Phase and then remove this token.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Gain a chosen player’s Positive Status Effect or inflict Reality Warp Reality Warp:

Once per turn, a player with this token may spend it during their Main Phase to either:


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend per additional Roll Attempt:

During their next Offensive Roll Phase, a player afflicted with this token must pay per Roll Attempt beyond the first. At the conclusion of the Roll Phase, remove this token.

Cosmic Flare

Cosmic Flare

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Deal dmg per token to all opponents:

During their Upkeep Phase, a player with this token deals dmg per Cosmic Flare Cosmic Flare to all opponents. Then remove 1 of these tokens.

Cosmic Ray

Cosmic Ray

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Roll 2 and pick one for dmg bonus:

After Attacking, a player with this token may spend it and roll 2 . Then choose one of the 2 dice and add the value of the die to the damage total. Attack Modifier.

This token:

Covert Ops

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Use to look at or rearrange cards:

You may spend this token once per turn during your Main Phase to do one of the following effects:

This token may not be transferred or removed by any means.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend to add dmg for each status effect:

If a player concludes their Offensive Roll Phase with an Attack, they may spend this token. If spent, add dmg per Positive or Negative Status Effect on their Hero Board (excluding the Crackle Crackle that was just spent), up to a maximum of . Only two Crackle Crackle may be spent per turn. Attack Modifier.

Crimson Bands


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Cannot play cards during next Roll Phase:

A player afflicted with this token cannot play cards during their next Roll Phase. Then, at the conclusion of that Roll Phase, remove this token.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend to add dmg to your Attack:

If a player with this token is dealing at least dmg as a result of their Offensive Roll Phase, this token may be spent to add dmg. Attack Modifier.

Cursed Doubloon

Cursed Doubloon

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 5/3

Receive dmg in Upkeep Phase (except Pirate):

Cursed Pirate

Cursed Pirate Complexity 4

Her passion for adventure & the Seven Seas has won her riches untold. Unfortunately, her exploits have also won her a curse so dire that her life hangs in the balance. To confront the soul splitting fury of the Cursed Pirate will likely result in a one-way trip to Davey Jones’ locker.

Weapon of choice: Cutlass


Rule Clarifications

Hero Board

You always start with her “human” side face up. Once flipped to the “cursed” side, it stays that way for the remainder of the game.


When you remove your last Doubloon you do not flip your board at the end of that same turn.

The Pirate’s “cursed” side Passive Ability inflicts a Powder Keg if your opponent activates an ability that only deals collateral damage. This Powder Keg is inflicted at the start of the Defensive Roll Phase.

Cursed Doubloon Cursed Doubloon

An opponent cannot remove or transfer Cursed Doubloon Cursed Doubloon with a card, status effect, or ability on their Hero board.

Pirate Mirror Match

If two or more Pirate’s are facing eachother, then each Pirate’s Cursed Doubloons Cursed Doubloon are considered unique to each Pirate. They will be dealt dmg if the other Pirate inflicts them with a Cursed Doubloon Cursed Doubloon, and they can only remove their own Cursed Doubloons Cursed Doubloon with their own Shiver Me Timbers Offensive Ability.

Powder Keg

If the Pirate inflicts a Powder Keg with an Attack when the opponent already has a Keg, the dmg is an isolated source of undefendable dmg. If the Pirate inflicts a Powder Keg with an Attack when the opponent already has a Keg, the isolated source of undefendable dmg is dealt immediately outside of normal damage calculation at the end of the current Phase.


Wither reduces normal or undefendable dmg types from an activated Offensive Ability. Does not reduce collateral, pure, or Ultimate dmg.


If your opponent activates an Offensive Ability whose dmg is from an Attack, they are still considered to have done an Attack, except no defense is made and other effects still happen (see Cursed Passive Ability). Damage received outside of an opponent’s Offensive Roll Phase is not affected (i.e. dmg received from Bleed , etc).


Cyclops Complexity 4

Scott Summers is the stalwart leader of the X-Men. He reaches deep into the pouches of his mind to craft battle plans that will focus fire on the many foes he faces. While his powerful optic blasts decimate many an enemy, it’s Cyclops’ leadership that is the true weapon against those that fight the X-Men!

Weapon of choice: Optic Blasts


Rules Clarifications

Leadership Cards

These cards count against your hand limit and may be sold for if desired. They also can trigger additional effects when using certain abilities or other Leadership Cards.

The Never Let Go Leadership Card may be played without discarding a Support and Battle Plan . The card itself will have no direct effect in this case, but still counts as a “Leadership Card played” for other purposes.

When a card or ability refers to “…Leadership Cards previously played this turn”, it means that the Leadership Card has to have been played before the phrase “…Leadership Cards previously played this turn” is resolved.

Remember that the effect following a “then” statement is performed after the effects that came before it, so Leadership Cards can be played just prior to resolving a statement that begins with the word “then”.

Battle Plan

Cards discarded as a result of spending 3 Battle Plan do not count as “selling” those cards (i.e. no is gained).

Support / Battle Plan Stack Limit

If you are about to gain more Support or Battle Plan beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming tokens, as spending status effects is an Instant Action.

When you gain Support or Battle Plan , you gain them all at once and must be able to make room for all of it immediately or you will lose the excess (e.g., if you had 2 Support while you were about to gain 3 more, you could not choose to only gain 1, then spend 3 to draw , and then finally gain 2 more).


Damage Table

Special Targeting
Normal Damage Yes Yes Yes No
Undefendable Damage No Yes Yes No
Pure Damage No Yes No No
Collateral Damage No Yes No Yes
Ultimate Damage No No Yes No

Note: Damage that occurs outside of an attack (via status effect or Defensive Ability) does not have a damage type. That damage can be avoided, but you can’t use an Attack Modifier to enhance it or use a Defensive Ability against it.

Damage Types

The current amount of damage waiting to be dealt to a player is considered “incoming damage”.

There are 5 damage types: normal (denoted as simply “dmg”), undefendable, pure, collateral, and ultimate.

Damage Type Attributes

Each damage type has one or more of the following attributes:

Normal Damage

Undefendable Damage

Pure Damage

Collateral Damage

Ultimate Damage

Ultimate Ability

The Gunslinger’s Ultimate Ability


Cyclops Complexity 3

Bio: Something cheeky written in a Comic book font.

Weapon of choice: You know, katanas, pistols, bazookas, grenades, sai, knives, and a winning smile.


Hero Setup

Begin the game with The Shoot card set to the side of your Hero Board, active side face up.

Rules Clarifications


The order in which you play the two cards “He Who Smelt It…” and “…Dealt it” doesn’t matter, but it is always less funny when you have to explain the joke.


If you are playing against a non-human (i.e. in one of our insanely fun cooperative expansions), shuffle the 3 RPS RPS cards and just randomly draw one to represent your opponent’s choice. Or have your neighbor play a game with you.

You cannot use RPS RPS with pure dmg. Pure dmg is just that, pure. Like a tall glass of sweet tea after a long day of beating up bad guys. Pure AND refreshing. Ahhhh…

If someone steals your RPS RPS token and you lose, you may still use your Shoot card to win that round. I mean, they knew you still had that card active when they transferred it, right? So it’s kind of their own fault. How embarrassing. Pew pew.

If you use your Shoot card when spending an RPS RPS, the Shoot card is no longer Active and you would just add dmg to your Attack instead of dmg.

If you lose RPS RPS, nothing happens. Duh.

Ultimate Ability

Yes, I can gain any Positive Status Effect from a player in this game. But no, not ones that say “Unique Status Effect”. Why would I want another Onomatopoeia? Be smarter than Wolverine.

Curmudgeon Coin

If you are a Curmudgeon, place this coin face up on your Hero Board to receive all of Deadpool’s bonuses without saying the required words or sounds effects.



The player who is being targeted by an Attack.

Defensive Ability

Defensive Ability

Abilities that can be activated by a player during their Defensive Roll Phase if their opponent has activated an Offensive Ability that deals Normal Damage.

Defensive Abilities are denoted by an ability name and number of dice used for the ability over a green shield background.

Defensive Roll Phase

Defensive Roll Phase

If the Active Player’s Offensive Roll Phase results in an Attack, then the Defender now begins the Defensive Roll Phase.

  1. Resolve any effects from the Offensive Ability that require a target and are not damage related (e.g. inflict Bounty , steal , etc).

  2. If the Offensive Ability results in an Attack and if that Attack’s damage type is defendable, the Defender may activate their Defensive Ability.

    Note: Most heroes only have 1 Defensive Ability. However, if a hero has 2, they must choose one to activate now.

  3. The Defender performs 1 Roll Attempt with the indicated number of dice on their Defensive Ability (e.g. means roll 1 die).

  4. Based on the dice results, the Defender resolves all non-damage effects (e.g. gain Synth , gain , Heal , Steal 1 Health, etc).

  5. There is one last opportunity (in player turn order) for any player to spend status effects or play cards.

  6. Finally, all damage and prevention effects are accumulated and are applied simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

    Note: If all remaining players are simultaneously reduced to health, the game is a draw.

  7. At this point, resolve effects that require (a) “dmg to be successfully dealt”, (b) status effects to be removed at the end of the Roll Phase, or (c) you to gain/inflict status effects that occur after damage calculations (due to a “then” statement). Here’s a full list of these interactions.

Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Restart your Offensive Roll Phase:

Instead of activating an Ability, a player with this token may spend it to conclude their current Offensive Roll Phase and then start a new Offensive Roll Phase.

Delayed Poison

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Receive dmg at the end of your turn:

A player afflicted with this token removes it at the conclusion of their turn and then receives dmg.

Dice Cube

Dice Cube

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Lowest value die cannot be re-rolled:

A player afflicted with this token cannot alter the lowest value die from their first Roll Attempt during their Offensive Roll Phase. If at Stack Limit, this affects the two lowest value dice rolled (instead of one).

At the conclusion of the Roll Phase, remove these tokens (even if an Ability wasn’t activated successfully).


Dice Throne Adventures can be played at different difficulty levels. The difficulty card will tell you how many points each scenario win is worth, and will also tell you what adjustments to the base game need to be made (if any) to play at the higher difficulty.

Discard Phase

Discard Phase
  1. Sell cards from your hand, until you have or fewer cards.

  2. Increase your CP Dial by for each card sold (more expensive cards are not worth more ).

  3. Place any sold cards onto your Discard Pile.

Note: No other actions can be performed during this Phase except selling cards from your hand.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Lose or else receive dmg:

During their Upkeep Phase, a player afflicted with this token may choose to lose . If they do not (or cannot), they receive dmg instead. Then remove this token.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Spend to Heal or remove a status effect:

A player with this token may spend it during their Main Phase. When spent, choose a player to Heal or remove a Negative Status Effect from that player.

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Complexity 5

After an accident removed Doctor Stephen Strange’s fine motor skills from his hands, the renowned surgeon looked beyond traditional medicine for healing and found the mystical arts. What he was not expecting was to become the Sorcerer Supreme, Earth’s preeminent defender against interdimensional threats.

Weapon of choice: Mystic Arts

Cards & Tokens

Hero Setup

Begin the game with the Flames of Faltine Spell placed on the Book of Vishanti.

Rules Clarifications

Book of Vishanti

For your Hero Setup, you do not activate the Prepare effect for the Flames of Faltine Spell. You can Prepare a Spell during either one of your Main Phases.

Discarding/Selling Spells

Spells can be discarded/sold in the same way that any other card can.

Casting 2 Spells

When an ability or Spell says to Cast two Spells, you completely Cast one, resolving the Cast effect, then you completely Cast another. If you Cast a Spell from your discard pile and the effect says “then discard this card”, simply leave it in your discard pile.

Damage from Spells

It is not considered to be damage from an Attack (e.g. Bolts of Balthakk) unless it specifies that it adds damage to an Attack (e.g. Flames of Faltine).

Inflicted with Crimson Bands Spells

The player inflicted with Crimson Bands Spells cannot play any cards at any time during their next Roll Phase (until the Defensive Roll Phase has fully concluded). However, other effects (such as Passive Abilities or status effects) may still be used.

Using Premonition

When using Premonition , you do not need to show your opponent the card(s) you are putting back on top or bottom of your deck.

Spending Déjà Vu Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu Déjà Vu may be spent during your Offensive Roll Phase at any time prior to activating an ability (even if your opponent has altered your dice or you have utilized all of your Roll Attempts).

Spending Déjà Vu Déjà Vu concludes your original Offensive Roll Phase. This means that status effects that should be removed at the conclusion of your Offensive Roll Phase, such as Spellbound Spellbound, are removed.



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

When a player with this token Attacks, they must roll 1 :

This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

What else do you do with a donut???:

When gaining this token, you may choose to give it to any player. A player with this token may spend it during their Upkeep Phase, and roll 1 : Gain ½ the value as health (rounded up).

You got a hankerin’ for a bear claw or an apple fritter? Roll a die and heal ½ of whatever you rolled. Round it up, yo! Then eat the token. Or just discard it. I don’t care. Just pretend you ate a donut. Mmmm…cardboardy. Anytime you gain a donut you could give it to your friends or teammates. But why?

Dryad Spirit

Dryad Spirit

Companion | Stack limit: 1

Other DTA Game Modes

Boss vs Many Mode

Boss vs Many is a 3–5 player alternate game mode that allows you to play a Boss Battle with one player playing as the Boss! All standard Dice Throne rules apply, with the following exceptions:

Heroes Setup Changes

Boss Setup Changes

Start Player

Turn Order

All players, including the Boss player, take turns in clockwise order performing a standard Dice Throne turn.

King’s Hand

King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens are a Unique Status Effect (Stack Limit: 5): Cannot be removed or transferred by any means.

When a King’s Hand King’s Hand token is spent, roll a Loot die Loot Die:

Targeting Phase

The Heroes always target the Boss.

The Boss, however, must roll for the Targeting Phase. Who they Attack is determined by rolling 1 Chaos die Chaos Die.

2 Heroes vs Boss
3 Heroes vs Boss
4 Heroes vs Boss

Boss vs Boss Mode

Boss vs Boss is a 2-player alternate game mode that allows you and an opponent to square off in a normal 1vs1 Dice Throne duel! All standard Dice Throne rules apply, with the following exceptions:

Setup Changes

King’s Hand

King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens are a Unique Status Effect (Stack Limit: 5): Cannot be removed or transferred by any means.

When a King’s Hand King’s Hand token is spent, roll a Loot die Loot die:


Ally card back

Recruiting Allies

Allies are special characters you can recruit for help. When you recruit Allies during either of your Main Phases:

  1. Spend the Momentum Momentum cost of the desired Ally (top right), and move them from the Ally HQ to your play area.

  2. Replenish the Ally HQ immediately by drawing a new Ally from the top of the Ally Deck to replace the one you just recruited.

  3. Each Hero may only have one Ally in play by default, but you can increase this limit through unlocking Perks. If you want to recruit an Ally, but are already at your maximum number, you may discard one you have to the bottom of the Ally Deck to make room.

Using Allies

An Ally will have one or more powers. Each power may only be activated once per round. Most powers can only be activated during a specific turn phase, unless they are marked as an Instant Action. If there is a Momentum Momentum cost to activate a power, the power text will list it (e.g., Spend 2 Momentum or Exhaust 2 Momentum).

Ally cards

Each Ally’s powers are triggered in different ways:

Recruit powers are a one-time benefit gained immediately when that Ally is recruited.

Kicker powers activate during your Offensive or Defensive Roll Phase, and can be used once per round. If you meet a kicker’s requirements (if any), it provides a bonus in addition to your normal Ability.

Offensive ability powers give you a new Offensive Ability, which is considered to be one of your own Abilities on your Hero Board. These Abilities will mention if they are Range or default to Melee . During your Roll Phase, you may still only activate one Offensive Ability, whether from the Ally or not. Some of these will show dice with circle die symbol 1 and/or diamond die symbol 2 symbols as the roll objective, which represent matching symbols of any type that appear on your hero’s dice.

Exhaust powers are gained by discarding the Ally to the bottom of the Ally Deck.

+Exhaust powers are also gained by discarding the Ally to the bottom of the Ally Deck, but they may only be activated at the same time you activate the power listed directly above it.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Boost Tiles

Boost Tiles Boost Tile are placed face up around the map during setup of either Map Side. Every Boost Tile Boost Tile provides the Hero who picks it up the effect shown on its face-up side.

Collect all Boost Tiles Boost Tile on the space you are in at the end of your Movement Phase.

When there are no more Boost Tiles Boost Tile in the draw pile, flip the discard stack face down and reshuffle them to form a new draw pile.

Select a token below for details…

Boost - gain CP
Gain the value of CP shown
Boost - gain CP
Heal the value shown
Boost - gain CP
Gain the value of Momentum Momentum shown
Boost - gain CP
Draw the number of cards shown
Boost - gain CP
Gain the status effect shown
Boost - gain CP
Remove 1 status effect token from self -OR- gain 1 Momentum
Boost - gain CP
Transfer 1 status effect token between any two players -OR- gain 2 Momentum Momentum
Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Boss Fights

In a Boss Fight, you will attempt to defeat a powerful villain, usually by reducing their Health to . Boss Fights typically begin on Side 2 after a Side 1 Mission Run is completed (though this is not always the case).

Here are some rules to keep note of during a Boss Fight:

Ending A Boss Fight

Like a Mission Run, each Boss Fight features a Main Objective. Typically this requires you to reduce the Boss to Health, though some Boss Fights may have other specified requirements.

Fulfilling a Boss Fight Main Objective completes that side of the Mission, ending it as the current round phase concludes.

Boss fight

The Heroes must Attack Mysterio and reduce him to Health to win.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Types of Characters

Hero: A person and the Dice Throne Champion they are playing.

Enemies: Who the Heroes fight. These include Henchmen, Unstoppable Threats, and Bosses.

Player: A Hero or enemy.

Opponent: Heroes’ opponents are the enemies. Enemies’ opponents are the Heroes. All enemy Abilities are written from that enemy’s point of view.

Teammate: Another Hero (not you).

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Crisis Clock Phase

The enemy turn concludes, and then the Crisis Clock determines what harmful things happen to the Heroes:

Crisis Clock example

In a 3 player game, the Crisis Clock Hand will advance 3 segments.

Segment requires each Hero to discard . Segment is empty, so there is no effect. The hand ends on segment , the Cult Thugs symbol , which means Cult Thugs activate their Crisis Ability i. There are two undefeated Cult Thugs, so all Heroes receive collateral dmg. Lastly, 2 Enemy Dice are rolled for the last part of the Crisis Ability.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions


Each Mission has a default difficulty represented by a colored die, shown in the top‑left corner of each map. A Mission’s difficulty number is described as its “level.”

  1. Difficulty 1

    Intro - A fun introduction to the game and meant to be easy for anyone, including new players.

  2. Difficulty 2

    Moderate - Without Perks, veteran players will find these Missions a moderate challenge. New players may find them quite difficult unless they have unlocked Perks.

  3. Difficulty 3

    Hard - Without Perks, these Missions are very challenging for even veteran players. Some Perks are likely required for success.

  4. Difficulty 4

    Brutal - Without Perks, these Missions are nearly unbeatable for players of any skill level. Earning many Perks is suggested before attempting.

  5. Difficulty 5

    Ruthless - These Missions are incredibly challenging even for veteran players with many Perks.

  6. Difficulty 6

    Insane - These Missions would be so insanely challenging that we chose not to make any at this difficulty (yet…?).

Increasing Difficulty

Want to play a low-difficulty Mission again, but it’s too easy for you now? Fear not! You can increase the difficulty and even gain increased rewards!

When adding 1 or more levels of difficulty, perform the following additional Setup Steps:

  1. Add one additional Black Enemy Die to the Enemy Dice pool per level of increased difficulty.

  2. Inflict Oppression on each Hero equal to the level of increased difficulty (max 4). The value on the Oppression token represents the quantity of tokens inflicted on a hero.

  3. Henchmen starting Health is increased by for each level of increased difficulty (max ).

  4. Use the “+1” Crisis Clock Hand. This same token is used for all increased difficulty levels. The Crisis Clock will now move one extra segment during each Crisis Clock Phase.

  5. Boss Setup instructions apply a special effect for each Oppression on all Heroes.

Increased PP Rewards

When adding 1 or more levels of difficulty to a Mission, you may apply the Perk Points (PP) you earn from that Mission to a column with a difficulty level equal to the Mission’s Total Difficulty. Total Difficulty is calculated as Mission difficulty + number of levels of increased difficulty.

For example, if you play the Nuclear Assault Mission (level 2 difficulty), and increase the difficulty by 3, the Total Difficulty is 5. This means you can apply all PP earned from that Mission in the 5 column of the Perk Sheet.

Decreasing difficulty

If you would like a more approachable gaming experience, choose one or more of the following modifications:

  1. Double all Perk Points earned.

  2. All Heroes start with an additional Health.

  3. All Heroes start with bonus 5 Momentum.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions


On most maps, Side 1 will feature up to 3 Henchman types , and 1 Unstoppable Threat . Side 2 will typically feature a Boss.

All of these types of characters are called enemies.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Enemy Dice

Enemy Dice

Enemy Roll Phase

Enemy Attacks

During the Henchmen’s Enemy Roll Phase, gather the pool of Enemy Dice (which were determined during setup) and roll them exactly once, regardless of how many Henchmen are attacking. The Heroes can use effects to adjust the results of the dice, and then the Henchmen Attack:

  1. For each Henchman’s info panel , consult the rolled Enemy Dice. If the rolled dice match the dice symbols required by their roll objective, henchmen of that type activate their Offensive Ability.

  2. For each Offensive Ability that was activated (resolving based on panel position from left to right):

    • Each undefeated Henchman with that Offensive Ability activates it in order across the map from left to right, then top to bottom (like reading a book).

    • Most Henchmen’s Abilities are Multi-Strike Attacks. Multi-Strike Attacks resolve against every adjacent Hero (for Melee Attacks) or every Hero on the map (for Range Attacks). If a Multi-Strike Attack cannot target a Hero, it is not resolved.

    • Each time a Henchman’s Offensive Ability resolves, perform all of its listed effects (including status effects inflicted or gained).

  3. Finally, if the rolled dice contain the dice symbols required by the Unstoppable Threat’s roll objective, it will activate its Offensive Ability.

In this example roll, we go left to right, activating the Offensive Ability of the Cult Thugs (1), then Hellfire Club (2), then Sniper (3).

The Strike Team will do nothing this turn, because their roll objective was not matched by the Enemy Dice.

When a Boss Attacks, roll the Enemy Dice once. Use the same quantity and type of Enemy Dice gathered during setup. Then proceed as follows:

  • Heroes may alter the dice using cards or other effects.

  • For each Red Die , place a face-down Boost Tile Boost Tile on the numbered space that matches the die value (both tiles may end up on the same space).

    • If there are already tiles there, add the new tiles beneath them.
  • Compare the Enemy Dice roll to the Boss’s Attacks (from left to right).

    • The activated Offensive Ability adds its CRIT effect against each Attacked Hero who is standing on a face-down Boost Tile Boost Tile, or who has one or more face-down Boost Tiles Boost Tile on their Health Dial (add the effect only once, no matter how many Boost Tiles you have).

    • Each Attacked Hero makes their Defense Roll (if able, in turn order).

  • All Heroes reveal face-down Boost Tiles Boost Tile on their Health Dial (if they collected any while moving). Resolve their effects and discard them.

Defensive Roll Phase

Heroes may perform a Defense Roll against each defendable enemy Attack:

Status Effect Clarifications

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Enemy Upkeep Phase

Resolve applicable Upkeep Phase status effects on the enemies in any order the players choose.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions


In Mission Runs, you will be fighting hordes of a villain’s Henchmen.

Each Henchman is shown on the map itself, while information about each type of Henchman is shown along the bottom of the Mission Board on their corresponding info panel.

Henchmen Panel

This Henchmen info panel shows the Cult Thug stats and Abilities. Any Henchman on the map marked with this panel’s icon “” will use stats from this panel.

A Henchman’s type is indicated with a green , blue , or magenta colored hexagonal icon . This color is also often the main color of the Henchman’s outfit.

The current Health value of a Henchman is represented by a combination of Health Tokens, instead of a dial. When a Henchman suffers dmg, adjust their Health Tokens to display their updated Health total.

Henchmen only have a single Offensive Ability, which can be activated if they meet their Roll Objective during the Enemy Roll Phase.

Henchmen do not have a Defensive Ability and therefore do not perform Defense Rolls.

Shield , a new status effect, is a Henchman’s main line of defense.

Henchmen status effects

Status effects inflicted upon Henchmen are placed directly on that Henchman’s space, not their info panel at the bottom of the map.

Unstoppable Threats are not Henchmen and may not be the target of any Offensive Ability. They never receive damage or status effects.

Defeat a Henchman by reducing its Health to . Then, cover all shaded spaces that Henchman is on top of with a Defeat Tile Defeat Tile (most Henchmen cover one space, while other large enemies may cover 2+ spaces). These covered spaces are now considered to be empty spaces that players can move through or onto.

When placing a Defeat Tile Defeat Tile on the map, the Start Player Start Player (even if they didn’t defeat the Henchman) distributes 2 Momentum Momentum among the Heroes however they like.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Hero Phase

In Dice Throne Missions, the standard Dice Throne turn is split into two phases.

Hero Phase Part 1

Heroes complete the first part of their Dice Throne turn simultaneously. This includes Upkeep Phase, Income Phase (all heroes skip in the first round), Main Phase (1), and all their roll attempts at the start of the Offensive Roll Phase. When a Hero is ready to activate an Ability, they should say “Ready to attack!” to inform everyone that they are ready to move on.

Hero Phase Part 2

Heroes simultaneously complete Main Phase (2), then their Discard Phase.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions


In each game of Dice Throne Missions, you are required to complete the Main Objective on both sides of a chosen Mission Board. Upon completing the Main Objective on Side 1, your team will advance to Side 2. When you complete the Main Objective on Side 2, you win the Mission.

In a Mission Run (usually Side 1), you will move your Hero around the map, navigating the unique rules and puzzles while fighting various Henchmen.

In a Boss Fight (usually Side 2), you will attempt to defeat a powerful villain, usually by reducing their Health to .


Momentum dial

Momentum 1 is a new currency that you track on your own personal Momentum Dial. You can have a maximum of 15 Momentum.

Gain Momentum Momentum by defeating Henchmen, collecting Boost Tiles , completing objectives, and more.

Perform Momentum Actions described on your Momentum Card by spending the Momentum Momentum listed to the left of the action. There is no limit to the number of times per round you may pay to perform Momentum Actions. However, some Momentum Actions have a limit on how many times you can use them, or are limited to a specific turn phase (e.g., the “Recruit An Ally” action may only be performed during the Main Phase).

Ally Powers on recruited Allies often require spending Momentum Momentum to activate.

Momentum cards

You will begin your first game of Dice Throne Missions with your Level 1 Momentum Card.

Unlock Momentum Perks to gain access to higher level Momentum Cards. Unlike other Perks, you must gain Momentum Perks in their listed order to unlock higher level Momentum Cards.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Movement Phase

During the Movement Phase, all Hero pawns are moved simultaneously with the following considerations:

You will most often want to end your movement next to an enemy because your Attacks and Defensive Abilities are considered Melee by default, meaning they can only be activated against adjacent enemies.

Some Main Objectives require Heroes to EXIT the map during the Movement Phase.

Movement example

Storm enters the map through the Entry Space and ends her move on space , picking up the Boost Tile Boost Tile there. Wolverine moves through the Entry as well, ending his move on the empty space .

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Pass Phase

Pass the Start Player Token Start Player clockwise at the start of every round, with the exception of the very first round of Side 1. This player will be the new Start Player Start Player until the end of the round.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Perk Points & Perk Sheets

After their first time playing Dice Throne Missions, every player should tear off a personal Perk Sheet and record their name along the top. These sheets record persistent rewards for that player. The player keeps the sheet with them and can use the unlocked Perks in any future Mission, regardless of which Dice Throne Hero they play as or who they are playing with.

After each game, players will earn a number of Perk Points (PP). Each PP will allow them to fill in one circle on their Perk Sheet. Once all the circles on a given Perk have been filled in, that player will gain the listed benefit during all of their future Missions.

Perk Sheet

Check out the rulebook for Perk Sheet usage examples.

As you complete any Mission, you will earn one of the following PP rewards:

0 PP
if you do not complete any Side of the Mission.
1 PP
if you completed only Side 1 of the Mission.
2 PP
if you completed both Side 1 and Side 2 of the Mission.
3 PP
if you completed both Side 1 and Side 2 of the Mission AND you also earned the “Perfect Reward” listed on Side 1.

Perfect Rewards

Every map features a Perfect Reward listed on Side 1 beneath the Main Objective. These are optional and difficult challenges which you can attempt in order to earn in-game rewards and additional PP.

The first time you earn the 3 PP Reward for Perfecting a Mission, fill in the Mission’s perfect check box on the back of your Perk Sheet. You cannot earn the 3 PP reward for Perfecting the same Mission a second time, but the 2 PP for winning and any in-game rewards for Perfecting can still be earned.

After each Mission, ALL earned PP must be spent on the Perk Sheet:

  • You can spend PP to fill in one circle in any column that matches the difficulty of the Mission you just played or lower.

  • When you have filled in all of the circles on a Perk, you permanently gain that Perk for all of your future Missions.

  • You can spend PP to unlock any Perk even if you do not have its previous levels unlocked. However, note that the top row of Momentum Card Perks each replace a previous level of the Momentum Card, meaning you must have gained the previous level in order to unlock the next.

  • If you increase the difficulty of a Mission, this also increases the level of the PP you earn.

Spending Perks

When you earn PP for completing a Mission, use a pen or dark pencil to mark how you spent the PP by filling in circles on your Perk Sheet.

Mission setup steps will instruct you to set up any additional items you have unlocked on your Perk Sheet. This applies to all Heroes with relevant Perks that require setup.

Once finished, players will tuck the Perk Sheet underneath their Hero Boards, leaving the bottom “Feats” row visible.

New Game+ And Mythic Cards

New Game+ is the sixth column of the Perk Sheet. It allows you to work towards unlocking a new and powerful Mythic Ability for your Hero.

The first time you Perfect a Mission on Side 1 and also complete Side 2, you may fill in the New Game+ circle that matches the Mission’s difficulty level (this does not count as spending PP).

Once all 5 New Game+ circles have been filled, you immediately unlock access to a Mythic Ability. For all future Missions, you may start with one of the 4 Mythic Abilities included in this game (or with your Hero’s unique Mythic Ability, if you have the promo pack).

Then, if you wish, you may choose to start a new Perk Sheet as follows:

  1. Discard your previous sheet. Earned Perks and the record of Perfected Missions will no longer be used.

  2. Take a new Perk Sheet and add a “+” next to your name. You can do this multiple times, adding a further “+” each time you start a new sheet for bragging rights!

  3. You gain access to a Mythic Ability if either all 5 New Game+ circles are filled on your sheet OR there is a “+” beside your name.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions


  1. Pass: Pass the Start Player Start Player token clockwise (skip on first turn).

  2. Movement: Collect all Boost Tiles Boost Tile in your space. Gain benefits from FACE UP tiles. Place any FACE DOWN tiles on your Health Dial.

  3. Hero Part 1: Heroes do the following simultaneously: Upkeep Phase, Income Phase (skip on first turn), Main Phase (1), Offensive Roll Phase.

  4. Target & Resolve: Once all heroes have declared “Ready To Attack,” resolve abilities in turn order. Resolve Boss’ unique defense.

  5. Hero Part 2: Finish hero turns simultaneously: Main Phase (2) and Discard Phase.

  6. Enemy Upkeep: Check status effects.

  7. Enemy Roll:

    • Roll enemy dice ONCE. Add face-down Boost Tiles Boost Tile to numbered spaces matching red die values.

    • Resolve enemy Attacks. Apply CRIT effect to players standing-on or with face-down Boost Tile(s) Boost Tile on their Health Dial.

    • Heroes perform Defensive Roll Phase and gain benefits from Boost Tiles Boost Tile on their Health Dial.

  8. Crisis Clock: Advance token once per hero. Resolve effects of every icon it passes and ends on (in order).

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Game Rounds

Missions take place over a series of rounds, each of which is broken up into 8 round phases (these are also listed on your Player Aid Card):

  1. Pass Phase: Pass the Start Player Token Start Player clockwise (This is skipped the first round of Side 1).

  2. Movement Phase: Heroes move and collect Boost Tiles Boost Tile that they land on.

  3. Hero Phase Part 1: Heroes simultaneously complete their Upkeep Phase, Income Phase (skip on first turn), Main Phase (1), and their roll attempts at the start of the Offensive Roll Phase. After finishing their roll attempts, they stop and say “Ready to attack.”

  4. Target & Resolve Phase: In turn order, each Hero resolves their Offensive Ability against a chosen enemy. If the enemy is a Boss, you also resolve the Boss’s Defensive Ability for each Attack.

  5. Hero Phase Part 2: Heroes simultaneously complete Main Phase (2) and then their Discard Phase.

  6. Enemy Upkeep Phase: Resolve applicable Upkeep Phase status effects on enemies.

  7. Enemy Roll Phase: Perform the enemies’ Offensive Roll Phase by rolling the Enemy Dice once (regardless of the number of enemies). Activate applicable Offensive Abilities. Heroes can defend against defendable Attacks.

  8. Crisis Clock Phase: Advance the Crisis Clock Hand and activate each Crisis Ability the Crisis Clock Hand moves through and ends on (but not the one it started on).

Setup Overview

  1. Start with 45 30 25 20 Health (55 40 35 30 max Health )

  2. Start with , cards , correct level Momentum Card, and 0 Momentum Momentum.

  3. Choose a mission of your preferred difficulty.

  4. Deal 3 allies face up.

  5. Create enemy dice pool: 2 red dice + 2 3 4 5 black dice.

  6. Roll to determine Start Player Start Player.

  7. Place your pawn near the map.

  8. Point Crisis Clock straight up. Then roll 1 and advance the token clockwise equal to the result.

  9. Place required Health tokens and Shield tokens on each Henchman. Perform the map’s Boss Setup steps (if any).

  10. Place random Boost Tiles Boost Tile on each space with a boost symbol Boost Space, then flip them face-up.

  11. Perform any scenario specific setup instructions.

  12. Apply any unlocked Perks.

  1. Place your pawn near the map.

  2. Point Crisis Clock straight up. Then roll 1 and advance the token clockwise equal to the result.

  3. Place required Health tokens and Shield tokens on each Henchman. Perform the map’s Boss Setup steps (if any).

  4. Place random Boost Tiles Boost Tile on each space with a boost symbol Boost Space, then flip them face-up.

  5. Perform any scenario specific setup instructions.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Setup Details

Check the rulebook for a diagram that's not hilariously tiny.

  1. Each player chooses and sets up any Dice Throne Hero. The Heroes’ starting Health depends on the number of Heroes playing:

    • 1 Hero: 45 Health
    • 2 Heroes: 30 Health
    • 3 Heroes: 25 Health
    • 4 Heroes: 20 Health

    Each player’s maximum Health is 10 more than starting Health .

  2. Each Hero starts with the following:

  3. Choose a Mission and start it on the side marked “Side 1.” Place the token tray within reach of all players.

  4. Shuffle the Ally Cards into a face-down deck. Draw the top 3 cards and place them in a face-up row to create the Ally Headquarters (Ally HQ).

  5. Create the Enemy Dice pool by gathering 2 Red Enemy Dice and 1 Black Enemy Die, plus 1 additional Black Enemy Die per Hero.

    Enemy dice pool
  6. Each player rolls a die. Give the Start Player Token Start Player to the player with the highest roll (or only player in solo).

  7. Each player places their Hero’s pawn near the map.

  8. Place the Crisis Clock Hand on the Crisis Clock pointing straight up. Then roll 1 die and advance the Crisis Clock Hand clockwise a number of segments equal to the result to randomize its starting position.

  9. If playing a Mission Run, place Health and Shield tokens on each Henchman on the map, so that they match the amounts listed on that Henchman’s info panel along the map’s bottom edge.

    If playing a Boss Fight, perform the map’s Boss Setup steps (if any).

  10. Shuffle all Boost Tiles Boost Tile and place them neatly beside the board. Then draw and place Boost Tiles randomly on each space with a Boost symbol Boost Space. Then flip all placed Boost Tiles face-up.

  11. If there is an “Additional Setup” section present, complete any special setup instructions. These may require specific tokens or markers.

  12. Perform any additional setup items you may have unlocked on your personal Perk Sheet, and then tuck it beneath your player board, leaving the “Feats” row exposed.

Target & Resolve Phase

After Hero Phase Part 1, Heroes take turns selecting a target and resolving their Offensive Ability.

Melee Attacks

Melee attacks

If your Offensive Ability is an Attack (it deals at least non-collateral dmg to an opponent), it is considered Melee , meaning it can only target one adjacent enemy (their space shares a border with your space).

Range Attacks

Range attacks

To target a non-adjacent enemy with an Attack, you must gain Range .

Targe & Resolve

Storm and Wolverine complete their Offensive Roll Phase simultaneously. They each activate an Offensive Ability which will deal non-collateral damage to an enemy, so they are considered Attacks.

Storm resolves her Attack first because she is the Start Player Start Player. Attacks are Melee , so she must choose an adjacent enemy as the target. This could be Cult Thug or Strike Team . If she were able to gain Range , then she could instead target an enemy anywhere on the map.

Wolverine resolves his Attack next. He is only adjacent to Cult Thug , so he must target this enemy because he does not have Range .

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Unstoppable Threats

There are special enemies with the tag “ Unstoppable Threat.” These enemies cannot be targeted by Offensive Abilities. Also, they can never receive damage, nor have status effects placed on them.

Unstoppable Threat

Each Unstoppable Threat will explain what it does during the Enemy Roll Phase on its info panel printed on the map.

If a Mission objective requires you to defeat all enemies, this does not include Unstoppable Threats.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Winning & Losing

Main Objectives are defined on each side of a Mission. Gameplay continues in rounds until your team has won or lost.

You win a Mission by completing the Main Objective on both sides of the map.

You lose a Mission if any Hero is defeated (their Health being reduced to ) or if an objective specifically states that you lose the game.

Perfect rewards provide additional benefits by fulfilling all “Perfect Reward” requirements in the Main Objective.

Bonus Objectives are optional objectives listed on many Missions. Completing a Bonus Objective can result in rewards for your team, while failing one may enact penalties. Bonus Objectives are resolved before the Main Objective (if completed simultaneously).

Completing map sides

When your team completes a Main Objective, the round ends after the current round phase resolves. If you completed Side 1 of a Mission, you then advance to Side 2 by doing the following:


Some Main Objectives require Heroes to EXIT the map.

To EXIT the map during the Movement Phase:

Any Heroes that do not EXIT may continue performing rounds as normal until they also choose to EXIT.

Exits Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Egg Nog

Egg Nog

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

Spend 3 for a benefit:

A player may spend 3 of these tokens at any time to roll 1 :


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

Boost abilities or spend to draw :

Once per turn, a player may spend 4 Electrokinesis during their Main Phase to draw .


Whenever a hero is on an Environment tile with a Minion, they are engaged in battle. They remain engaged until the Minion is defeated, or the players lose the Portal Crawl.

A Hero can never be engaged with more than one Minion at a time.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Lose 1 Roll Attempt:

A player afflicted with this token gets 1 fewer Roll Attempts during their next Offensive Roll Phase. At the conclusion of the Roll Phase, remove this token.

Environment Tile

Your team moves across and explores these during a Portal Crawl.

Equipment Card

A special Loot card whose effects remain in play for the duration of the scenario.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend & roll 1–2 to avoid damage:

When a player with this token has incoming damage (from any source), they may choose to spend it. If spent, roll 1 . If the outcome is 1–2, no dmg is received (although other associated effects may still apply).

Multiple tokens may be spent in an attempt to prevent the same source of damage.


Exploring new Environments promises many rewards for adventurers, but also grave danger… and unless a fellow Hero arrives to help later on, you will face these alone.

After moving to an unexplored Environment, collect any items present on the face-down tile:

Next, you must flip over the Environment tile. The tile may show multiple features, which (if present) are dealt with in the following order:

Environment Tiles
  1. Increase your dial by the indicated amount.
  2. Increase the Gold dial by the indicated amount.
  3. Deal with mandatory actions or optional choices. Unless otherwise specified, these only apply to you.
  4. Draw and reveal a new level I/II/III/IV Minion card from its deck, perform the Minion setup steps, and then engage it in battle!

Note: Instant Action cards or spendable status effects may still be used to alter any dice rolls. You cannot use Main Phase or Roll Phase cards outside of battles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Note: Each Hero has more rules clarifications.

What is the “Complexity Rating” on each Hero?

The “Complexity Rating” is a number indicating how difficult a Hero is to master. The lower the rating, the more straightforward and easy to use a Hero is. This is not indicative of a Hero’s power or strength, simply their ease of use. Higher complexity Heroes require more intimate knowledge of rules and game mechanics to play well.

What does “Chosen Player” mean?

It means you pick the person and that includes yourself, a teammate, or an opponent.

What does “Chosen Opponent” mean?

It means any player that is not you or on your team.

Can I interrupt a Main Phase card or Roll Phase card by spending a status effect token or playing an Instant Action card?

Yes. Status effects are considered Instant Actions.

Can I interrupt an Instant Action card or spendable status effect by spending a status effect token or playing an Instant Action card?

No. If a status effect is spent its effects cannot be interrupted.

If an ability has variable effects/damage that are determined by one or more dice, can I use Roll Phase Cards to influence or change those dice?


Is there a max to ?

Yes, 15.

Can I Heal above my starting Health?

Yes, up to 10 above starting Health.

Does every upgrade card have a level 3?


Can I upgrade an ability directly to level 3 from level 1?

Yes. If you do so, you pay the full cost of the Level 3 upgrade. If you upgrade a Level 2 to a Level 3, you only pay the difference in costs between the upgrades.

If a card says “Remove one status effect” do you remove one token or all of one type?

Just one token. Each token is treated as its own discrete instance of the status effect it represents.

If a card says “Remove all status effects” do I remove only negative ones?

All means all, good or bad.

What is “Stack limit”?

Stack limit is the maximum number of tokens for a status effect that each player may have on them at any given time. e.g. Stack limit 1 means each player may have no more than 1 of that status effect on them.

If an opponent attempts to steal or remove a spendable status effect, can I spend it before it’s gone?

Yes. So long as the source of transference/removal is not an Instant Action card or spendable status effect itself. See specific Hero FAQ’s regarding certain status effects.

If an opponent’s ability does no damage but has other effects, do I get a defense roll?

No. In order to activate your Defensive ability, you must be Attacked for at least 1 point of defendable damage.

Can I reduce or avoid undefendable damage with cards and status effects?

Yes. Undefendable damage only excludes activation of a champion’s Defensive ability. The damage chart is a great reference.

If I’m doing an undefendable Attack and I use an Attack Modifier, is the added damage defendable or not?

Any added damage via Attack Modifiers is the same type as the base damage.

Can I play Attack Modifiers after my opponent’s defensive roll?

You can play them either before or after the defense roll is made.

Can I use an Attack Modifier on an ability that doesn’t do damage (like Barbarian’s Fortitude)?

No. In order to use Attack Modifiers the ability must be an Attack that would deal at least 1 damage.

Does collateral damage automatically hit everyone?

No. Collateral damage is undefendable damage that cannot be enhanced. It has special targeting rules. It does not count as an Attack.

In team games, if an Attack says to damage all opponents, do I do damage to each champion individually, or each Health pool?

Heroes in team games share a single Health dial between them. Damage to all opponents damages each champion individually (e.g. In a 2v2 game, 2 damage to all opponents equals 4 damage to your opponent’s shared Health dial).

Can I activate multiple abilities if I roll the right symbols?

No. You may choose only one ability to Activate.

Do I have to activate an ability during my Offensive Roll Phase?

No. Sometimes choosing not to Activate an ability is a valid strategy.

If I roll once, choose to keep one or more dice and roll the others, can I re-roll the dice I kept from my 1st roll on my 3rd roll?

Yes. Your dice are not locked in.

If I don’t use all my Roll Attempts and I decide to stop rolling to activate an ability but my opponent changes or makes me re-roll, can I then use my unspent Roll Attempts?

Yes. You always have 3 Roll Attempts. Unless an in-game effect reduces your Roll Attempts.

On my defense roll, do I activate everything I roll, or do I spend dice to activate different parts?

You do everything. Your dice are never “spent”, so one die might be used in multiple combinations on a defensive roll.

How do you determine who takes damage first when both players are damaging each other? Does damage happen before Healing?

All damage and Healing accumulate and resolved simultaneously on both players at the end of the phase unless otherwise noted.

What if we both hit hp at the same time due to defensive damage or status effects?

You both die at the same time. It’s a draw.

In a King of the Hill game can I change my opponents offensive roll with a card after he decides who he is targeting?

No. If you want to modify your opponent’s dice (like trying to stop an Ultimate from happening) you need to do so in their Offensive Roll Phase before they Activate the ability and before Targeting.

What is pure damage?

Undefendable damage that is considered an Attack that is not modifiable but is preventable.

Can Blind , Shadows , Wither , or any other status effect or card reduce or prevent an Ultimate’s damage or other effects?

No. No status effects or cards can stop an Ultimate. In fact, you can’t even respond to the Ultimate. No Healbot, no instant cards, no blocking any damage or effects in any way whatsoever, no Back Strike or Retribution . If an Ultimate is activated, put down your cards, pick up your Health dial, and ask “how much damage?

How do I stop an Ultimate?

Alter your opponent’s dice during their Offensive Roll Phase before the ability is Activated.

Can I use Attack Modifiers to increase my own Ultimate Ability damage?

Yes. An Ultimate is Modifiable.

In a 2v2 game can my opponent alter my Targeting Roll if I roll an Ultimate?

No. But if you activate an Ultimate you may change the Targeting Roll result with cards or effects.

Can I use “Not this Time” to prevent damage from an Ultimate?


Can I play Six-it or Samesies on my opponents dice?

No. Both cards state you may change the value of one of your dice.

What happens if I run out of cards in my deck?

The rulebook states that if you need to draw a card but your deck is empty, shuffle your discard pile to create a new deck first.

Do I remove all tokens of all types when “What Status Effects” is played?


Can I use “One More Time” to force my opponent to take an additional Roll Attempt during their Offensive Roll Phase?

No. The card states “A chosen player may perform an additional Roll Attempt…” They are not forced to.

Can I use “Better D” to force my opponent to take an additional Roll Attempt during their Defensive Roll Phase?

No. The card states “ A chosen player may perform an additional Roll Attempt…” They are not forced to.

Can I use “Try, try again” to force my opponent to take an to re-roll up to two dice?

No. you cannot play it on an opponent. The card states “you or a chosen teammate…”

Can I play “Double up” or “Triple up” during my opponents turn and have more than my 6 card limit?

Yes. You must have 6 or fewer cards in your hand at the conclusion of your Discard Phase.

When I sell a card how much do I gain?

The rulebook states that you gain per card sold. Not the value of the card.

What is Dice Throne Adventures?

Dice Throne Adventures is a genre-bending cooperative expansion for Dice Throne. You can take 1 to 4 Heroes and delve into randomly generated worlds, beautiful environments, intense boss battles, innovative Diablo-inspired loot, and non-destructive legacy elements.

If it is ever unclear what choice a Minion or Boss should make, what happens?

The Active Player should make the most effective decision for the Minion or Boss.

Can a Hero Heal above their starting Health?

Yes. Like standard Dice Throne, a Hero can Heal up to above their starting Health.

Can I spend Bonus Damage Bonus Damage tokens after my opponent has already activated their Defensive Ability?

Yes. Bonus Damage Bonus Damage tokens are Attack Modifiers, which may be spent before or after the opponent Activates their Defensive Ability.

During a campaign, what is the Stack Limit for King’s Hand King’s Hand?


Do I go directly into the Boss Battle after going through the Boss Portal tile?

No. First you go to Rosella’s Shop and you have to reset your Hero board.

Can the King’s Hand King’s Hand dice roll be manipulated with applicable Hero’s Roll Phase cards?


Are my Hero’s upgraded Ability cards and Equipment cards carried over from scenario to scenario?

No, you always return all cards to your deck after each session.

If my team was victorious and had Salves Salve remaining, would they carry over to the next scenario?


If my team lost and we had Salves Salve remaining, do these carry over when we replay the scenario?

No, these are not added to your Starting Salves Salve for your replay of the same scenario.

What happens if I run out of cards in a Loot deck?

Draw from the next highest rarity Loot deck instead.

Final Dice Result

The result of your five dice after all Roll Attempts and dice modifications are finished.

Final DMG Total

Occasionally, calculating a Final Total of damage (the amount you reduce your health dial by at the conclusion of the roll phase) can become complex when the Incoming Damage of the attack is affected by your Defensive Ability, cards, and status effects played by you and your opponent.

Luckily, you can easily calculate the Final Total by following the steps below, in the order shown, after both players are completely finished taking actions:

  1. Determine incoming damage

    Incoming Damage is the amount of Damage that is waiting to be dealt to you at any point during the game. Most frequently this damage comes from Offensive and Defensive abilities, but Incoming Damage can also come from status effects like Pyromancer’s Burn or Shadow Thief’s Poison .

  2. Add & Subtract (subtotal)

    We now apply anything that used addition or subtraction to affect Incoming Damage. Defensive Abilities, status effects, or cards that would subtract (prevent) or add a specific amount of damage are applied to Incoming Damage during this step. The result is called the Incoming Damage Subtotal.

  3. Multiply & Divide (Final Total)

    Finally, calculate anything that affects Incoming Damage using multiplication or division. All division and multiplication is applied at the end, regardless of what order cards, status effects, or Defensive Abilities were activated.

    Also, in the case that you need to calculate more than one multiplier, each multiplier is calculated independently using the original Incoming Damage Subtotal determined by Step 2.

    Anything else that uses Incoming Damage as part of a multiplication or division calculation (e.g. Paladin’s Retribution status effect) is also calculated at this time.

Barbarian vs Paladin Example

Below is an example of a series of events that transpire during the Offensive and Defensive Roll Phase between the Barbarian (attacking) and the Paladin (defending).

  1. Barbarian activates his Overpower Offensive Ability, which will deal damage to the Paladin.

  2. Paladin spends his Retribution status effect, which will deal half of the Incoming Damage back to the Barbarian.

  3. Paladin spends his Protect status effect, which will prevent of the Incoming Damage.

  4. Paladin activates his Divine Defense III ability, which will prevent dmg. He also gains another Protect .

  5. Barbarian plays his Get Some Attack Modifier card which inflicts Concussion and adds dmg.

  6. Paladin plays Absolution card which will prevent dmg.

  7. Paladin spends his other Protect status effect which again will prevent of the Incoming Damage.

A lot of stuff just happened. Let’s calculate damage:

  1. Determine incoming damage

    Incoming Damage from Barbarian’s Overpower (Event 1, above).

  2. Add & Subtract (subtotal)

    Incoming Damage (Event 1 - Overpower)
    dmg (Event 4 - Divine Defense III)
    dmg (Event 5 - Get Some)
    dmg (Event 6 - Absolution)

    Incoming Damage (Subtotal)
  3. Multiply & Divide (Final Total)

    Determine the value of each multiplier simultaneously and independently (Note: all division in Dice Throne is always rounded up):

    Event 2 (Retribution ) = (Subtotal) ÷ 2 = dmg
    Event 3 (Protect ) = (Subtotal) ÷ 2 =
    Event 7 (Protect ) = (Subtotal) ÷ 2 =

    Then apply all of this to the Subtotal:

    Incoming Damage − = −1 Incoming Damage

Using Protect twice, Paladin prevents all damage, which means the Final Total of damage the Paladin receives is .

Additionally, the Barbarian will receive dmg in return since the Paladin spent his Retribution token (Event 2).

Fire Mastery

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

Remove 1 token per turn:

A player with this token must “cool off” during their Upkeep Phase by removing 1 token (Fire Mastery increases the power of various abilities).

First Strike

Any Minion with First Strike will always Attack the Hero first in a Portal Crawl turn. So, if the minion you're engaged with has First Strike , perform the Minion Step before (instead of after) the Hero Step.

Note: If a Minion with First Strike is defeated during its turn, you still get your full turn afterwards. Even though there is no longer an enemy, you might still activate an ability which provides other benefits.

Flame Blast

Flame Blast

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

Dark Phoenix may spend to increase Attack dmg:

If Dark Phoenix is Active, she may spend Flame Blast Flame Blast to increase her Attack dmg by or spend 3 Flame Blast Flame Blast to increase her Attack dmg by . Attack Modifier.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Roll 2 to dodge or make undefendable:

A player with this token may spend it at any time during the Roll Phase. Once spent, roll 2 . If a 6 was rolled, Activate this token. If Activated during the Offensive Roll Phase, this player’s Attack becomes undefendable. If Activated during the Defensive Roll Phase, ignore all incoming damage.

Focus Fire

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

+1 incoming Attack dmg:

When a player with this token is Attacked by an opponent, the Attacker increases their damage by . Attack Modifier. Persistent.

Force Field

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Prevent incoming dmg:

Remove this token and one other Positive Status Effect on your Hero Board, then choose a player to prevent incoming damage (rounded up).


For status effects, take the corresponding token and place it on the middle of your Hero Board. For Health or , increase your Health or CP Dial by the specified amount.


Gambit Complexity 6

Remy LeBeau, the man with the red eyes, also known as ‘Le Diable Blanc’, began his life as a thief indebted to Mister Sinister. In the X-Men, Gambit found his true home. With his favorite weapon, a deck of kinetically charged playing cards, he’s a hero with highly explosive results.

Weapon of choice: Playing Cards

Tokens & Cards

Hero Setup

Begin the game with all 4 Ace Cards face up next to your Hero Board.

Rules Clarifications

Ace Cards

Ace cards cannot be sold for and cannot be discarded (only flipped over and regained).

You may only Explode one Ace Card in total per turn (regardless of type), unless a card or ability says otherwise (i.e. Bojutsu, Gambit’s Gambit).


If an ability or effect causes you to “regain an Ace Card”, this means that you may flip an Ace Card from face down to face up.

Spending Ace Cards

Ace Cards may be Exploded at any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before damage is dealt.

Can be used to increase any Attack damage type that is modifiable (i.e. normal, undefendable, Ultimate dmg).

Accelerating Molecular Acceleration from ability activation

When you activate an Offensive Ability that utilizes a Heart/Diamond or Spade/Club , you may Accelerate Molecular Acceleration one Ace Card with a matching symbol. This includes when using a or for your small/large straight ability (Card Shark).

This effect occurs immediately upon ability activation (before any other effects of the ability or Attack Modifiers could be used).

When you Accelerate Molecular Acceleration multiple times, you may Accelerate Molecular Acceleration different Ace Cards (or the same Ace Card more than once).

When you Accelerate Molecular Acceleration multiple times, these Accelerations occur all at once (e.g. if you Accelerate Molecular Acceleration three times, you cannot Accelerate Molecular Acceleration the Diamonds Ace Card once, Explode it to regain your Heart Ace Card, and then Accelerate Molecular Acceleration your Heart Ace Card twice).


Other Game Modes

King of the Hill

Apply the following rule changes:

2v2 Teams

2v2 teams turn order

When playing with 4 players, apply the following rule changes:

Targeting Roll Phase

When selecting a target for an attack in Targeting Roll Phase, determine the Defender who will be receiving the damage based on the result of your die roll:

Target the opponent on your left.
Target the opponent on your right.
Your opponents choose which of them you target.
Choose either opponent as your target.

3v3 Teams

3v3 teams turn order

When playing a 3v3 game with 6 players, apply the following rule changes to a 2v2 team game:

Targeting Roll Phase

When selecting a target for an attack in Targeting Roll Phase, determine the Defender who will be receiving the damage based on the result of your die roll:

Target the opponent on the left.
Target the opponent in the middle.
Target the opponent on the right.

2v2v2 Teams

2v2v2 teams turn order

When playing a 2v2v2 game with 6 players, apply the following rule changes to a 2v2 team game:

Targeting Roll Phase

When selecting a target for an attack in Targeting Roll Phase, determine the Defender who will be receiving the damage based on the result of your die roll:

Count around the table moving clockwise starting with the closest opponent on your left.
Choose an opponent as the target.



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend to gain a Reject:

During your Main Phase, you may spend this token to draw a card from the Reject deck and put it into play. This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Activate a second ability during your turn:

If your Offensive Roll Phase resulted in an ability that has a Glide Path, you may spend this token at the conclusion of your opponent’s Defensive Roll Phase.

If spent, follow the Glide Path to immediately activate an additional Offensive Ability targeting the same opponent (without needing to satisfy the activation requirement).

This token:


Gold Dial

Gold is gained during a Portal Crawl and spent at the Shop to buy new Loot cards.

Use the Gold Dial to track the amount of Gold gained by your team.

Guard Break

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Attack becomes undefendable on 4–5:

If a player concludes their Offensive Roll Phase with an Attack, they may spend this token and roll 1 . If the outcome is 4–5, the Attack becomes undefendable.


Gunslinger Complexity 2

Driven by the ruin brought to her family, the Gunslinger now spends her life pursuing all those who are vile and corrupt within the world. Each time she deftly reloads her twin pistols, she takes one step closer to vengeance.

Weapon of choice: Twin pistols


Rule Clarifications


Bounty increases damage from an Attack, but does not increase pure or collateral damage. All damage is calculated simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

You gain regardless of what the opponent does during their defense, even if they prevent or avoid all of the incoming damage.

Spending Evasive

Evasive may not be used against an Ultimate Attack since Ultimate damage cannot be prevented in any way.

Cards may be played to change the Evasive die roll as long as the card is allowed to be played during the Phase that you are in.

A single Evasive token avoids all cumulative damage taken during the Phase.

If the first attempt to evade fails, you may continue to evade damage using as many tokens as you have available.

If you successfully evade normal Attack damage, you can still activate your Defensive Ability.


Reload can be spent any time after an Attack activates, (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before the damage is dealt. If spent when you are dealing undefendable dmg, the added Reload damage also becomes undefendable.

Wild West

Can spend two Reload tokens when activating this card. You must re-roll a die to add the additional dmg. If you re-roll a die after this re-roll, you do not still add the additional dmg.

Heal Bot

Heal Bot

Companion | Activation limit: 2

You may Activate this Bot up to two times after being Attacked with at least dmg. Upon activation, roll 1 :


Health Dial

Health Dial


Increase your Health Dial by the specified amount (e.g. Heal ).

Hero Board

Hero Board

Offensive Ability

Activation Requirement

The Final Dice Result required to activate an Offensive Ability.

Passive Ability

  • Always active and/or available for use.
Passive Ability

Ultimate ability

Your hero’s most powerful attack! If activated, the effects are completely unstoppable.

Important: The damage and effects of an Ultimate Ability can be enhanced, but cannot be reduced, prevented, avoided, responded to, or interrupted by anything (e.g. cards, status effects, Companions, etc). Opponents may take no action of any kind from the time it is Activated until the conclusion of the Roll Phase. The only way to prevent an Ultimate Ability is to alter a die roll before its activation.

Ability Description

Defensive Ability

Defensive Ability

Defensive Dice

Hero Cards

Upgrade Card Passive Ability Card Upgrade Card Main Phase Action Card Passive Ability Card Hero Card

There are two types of cards: Hero Upgrade cards and Action cards.

If you ever need to draw a card, but your deck is empty, shuffle your Discard Pile to create a new deck first.

Playing cards costs Combat Points . This cost is indicated on the left hand side of the card. Cards costing are free to play.

You cannot end your turn with more than cards in your hand. During the Discard Phase, you must sell cards until you have or fewer cards.

To sell a card, place it onto your Discard Pile and increase your CP Dial by (all cards are worth when sold, no matter how much they cost to play).

The phase during which a card may be played is indicated by the symbol on the left hand side of the card.

Hero Leaflet

  1. Status Effects and Companions: Rules for your hero’s status effects & Companions.

  2. Hero Setup: Some heroes require additional setup steps before the game begins.

  3. Dice Key: The symbols on each face of the hero’s dice.

  4. Complexity Rating: A value between 1 Complexity 1 and 6 Complexity 6 that measures how difficult a hero is to play. Higher complexity heroes often take more time to master and require good strategy to play effectively.

  5. Rules Clarifications: The answers to questions about complex rules for this hero.

Hero Step

Perform a complete Dice Throne turn (see your Hero’s Turn Order card).

  1. Upkeep Phase: Resolve applicable status effects

  2. Income Phase: Gain and draw

  3. Main Phase (1)

  4. Offensive Roll Phase: Perform up to 3 Roll Attempts to activate an ability

  5. Targeting Roll Phase: Your target is the Boss or the Minion that you are currently engaged with

  6. Defensive Roll Phase: The Boss or Minion performs their Defensive Ability

  7. Main Phase (2): Identical to Main Phase (1)

  8. Discard Phase: Sell cards until you have or fewer cards in your hand

Hero Upgrades

Hero Upgrade cards permanently upgrade the space with the same name on your Hero Board. Identified by a icon on the left side of the card.

  • Offensive Ability Upgrade Card
  • Defensive Ability Upgrade Card
  • Passive Ability Upgrade Card

Offensive Ability upgrades have a white border, Defensive Ability upgrades have a green border, and Passive Ability upgrades have a purple border.

Hero Upgrade cards:

To Play An Upgrade Card

  1. Spend the required (shown on the left side of the card).
  2. Place the card onto the space of your Hero Board with the same name.
  3. Some Hero Upgrades grant new secondary abilities. These are additional abilities that your Hero can now activate during their turn. You can still only activate one ability per Offensive Roll Phase!



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Whenever a player afflicted with this token rolls a 6, it’s as if their die has been altered to a blank die face that has no value. At the conclusion of their turn, remove this token. This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).

Holy Presence

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Deal dmg to all opponents:

During their Upkeep Phase, a player with this token deals dmg to all opponents. This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Spend to increase Attack dmg:

Spend to increase your Attack dmg by or spend 2 Honor to increase your Attack dmg by .

Attack Modifier.


Huntress Complexity 5

Rescued as an infant by Nyra (a female sabertooth tiger), the Huntress was taken in as if she was Nyra’s own cub. Their bond is beyond that of a human to her pet. They are connected–soul to soul. The ferocity and agility with which they fight intimidates all who would dare to challenge them.

Weapon of choice: Nyra


Rule Clarifications

Nyra (pronounced “Near-ah”)

Nyra does not count as a player or opponent, she is a Companion.

Nyra has a maximum of Health.

Nyra cannot be inflicted with status effects or receive damage from status effects. She cannot receive collateral or Ultimate damage. Nyra cannot receive damage if the Huntress is Stunned (by the status effect Stun ).

If Nyra receives more damage than she has health, the remainder of the damage is still done to Nyra, it does not roll over to the Huntress.

If Nyra is healed on the Huntress’ defense, this Heal is netted against any damage that is being dealt to Nyra

When choosing whether to pass damage to Nyra, this choice is not made until the end of the Defensive Roll Phase after all damage, Attack Modifiers, and prevention have been calculated. The Huntress is never “locked in” when deciding whether she or Nyra will receive all or some of incoming Attack damage.

Nyra’s Bond

Nyra’s Bond can be spent to Heal Nyra in response to an opponent trying to remove or steal it unless the source of removal/transference is an Instant Action or spendable status (see Priority Rules). An opponent who has a Nyra’s Bond token cannot use it to redirect damage to Nyra. If you are playing a mirror match, your opponent may spend it as normal but it still only affects their own Nyra.

If the Huntress uses Nyra’s Bond to heal Nyra, this instantly Heals Nyra by and does not “net” against any incoming damage.


Roll for each Bleed individually.

Ice Shard

Ice Shard

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

Boost abilities or spend to gain Glide Glide:

You may spend 5 Ice Shards Ice Shard at any time to gain Glide Glide.


Iceman Complexity 4

Bobby Drake likes to keep it cool as he glides through combat, freezing opponents in their tracks. Sometimes even your greatest weapons will turn to frozen cubes of ice. Don’t let his chill demeanor fool you or he might just freeze the day.

Weapon of choice: Ice Powers


Glide Path

Glide Path

This arrow (referred to as a “Glide Path”), allows a Glide Glide token to be spent to activate a second ability marked by the other end of the arrow (e.g. Hail the King to Thawsome, Frostbite to Everybody Chill, etc).

Hero Setup

Begin the game with The Freezer card set to the side of your Hero Board.

Rules Clarifications

Ice Shard Ice Shard Stack Limit

If you are about to gain more Ice Shards Ice Shard beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming tokens (since spending status effects is an Instant Action).

When you gain Ice Shards Ice Shard, you gain them all at once and must be able to make room for all of them immediately or you will lose the excess (e.g. if you had 4 Ice Shards Ice Shard while you were about to gain 3 more, you could not choose to only gain 1, then spend 5 to gain Glide Glide, and then finally gain 2 more).

This does not happen if more than 5 Ice Shards Ice Shard are stored in The Freezer. When more than 5 Ice Shards Ice Shard are stored in The Freezer, you can Store exactly 5 tokens, convert those 5 into a Glide Glide, and then Store the remaining Ice Shard Ice Shard (without losing any excess).

The Freezer

When an ability says you may transfer tokens stored in The Freezer, you may transfer them out in any order (e.g. if you have 4 on your Hero Board and 4 in The Freezer, you can take 1 out of The Freezer, convert 5 tokens into a Glide Glide, and then finally take out the remaining 3).

Damage per Ice Shard Ice Shard

Iceman’s Everybody Chill ability and his I only have Ice for You card both calculate dmg per Ice Shard Ice Shard. Do not consider Ice Shards Ice Shard in The Freezer when calculating this dmg.

If Ice Shards Ice Shard are converted to a Glide Glide after the ability is activated or the card has been played, the dmg is not reduced.

Dice Cube Dice Cube

Dice affected by Dice Cube Dice Cube cannot be altered by any means or by any player (e.g. “So Wild”, “Twice as Wild”, “Tip It”, “Try, Try Again”, “One More Time”, etc).

Glide Glide

Glide Glide can only be spent at the end of the Roll Phase. This means that if you were activating an ability that lets you gain a second Glide Glide, you cannot spend one you already have to make room for the new Glide Glide. Secondary abilities on Hero Upgrade cards cannot be glided to or from.

Activating the ability that was glided to counts as a new and distinct Roll Phase (Offensive, Targeting, and Defensive).




Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Attempt to find Loki among his Illusions:

Illusion Card

Begin the game with your 3 Illusion Cards set aside.

A player with this token may spend it when being
Attacked. If spent:

  1. Present the 3 Illusion Cards to your opponent face-down in any order. You may suggest which card they should select.
  2. The Attacker chooses any card.
  3. Flip over the chosen card and resolve the text.

This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).

Income Phase

  1. Increase your CP Dial by (skip this step if you already have the maximum of ).

  2. Draw card from the top of your deck and add it to your hand. If your deck is empty, shuffle your Discard Pile to create a new deck.

Important: The Start Player skips the Income Phase of their first turn.

Important: The Start Player skips the Income Phase of their first turn except for Minion Battles, Boss Battles, and Boss vs Many mode.

Important: Heroes skip the Income Phase of their first turn.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Alter a player’s defense die:

A player with this token may spend it and then choose a die rolled by any player (including themselves) during their Defensive Roll Attempt. The chosen die must be re-rolled.


Take the Status Effect’s corresponding token and place it in the middle of the receiving player’s Hero Board.



Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Roll 1–3 to lose Roll Attempts:

A player afflicted with these tokens must roll 1 at the start of their Offensive Roll Phase per token. For every 1–3 rolled, they get one fewer Roll Attempt. Then remove all of these tokens.



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Roll defense against an undefendable Attack:

When a player with this token is Attacked with an undefendable Attack, they may choose to spend this token to activate a Defensive Ability.

This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).

Ionic Energy

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

Boosts dmg:

A player with this token may choose to spend it to add the indicated number of damage to their Attack.

You may only spend up to 2 tokens per turn.

Alternatively, pay to spend up to 4 tokens this turn.

Attack Modifier.

Isolated Damage

Damage that is dealt immediately and may only be prevented or avoided as a separate instance of dmg.

Jean Grey

Jean Grey Complexity 6

Often considered one of the most powerful psychic minds, Jean Grey carries the burden of having to contain the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force. When it is corrupted, she becomes the Dark Phoenix and is nigh unstoppable.

Weapon of choice: Psionic Powers


Dark Phoenix Overlay

Dark Phoenix


This overlay covers the center of your Hero Board to represent Jean Grey becoming Dark Phoenix. It adds several bonuses while Active.

Rules Clarifications

Switching forms

Status effects are not removed when switching between Jean Grey / Dark Phoenix (tip: keep her status effect tokens above her Hero Board).

Active effects

The activate bonus, “if your dice show 3-of-a-kind (#’s),” only occurs if you successfully activate an Offensive Ability. However, you still gain the additional activate bonus even if you do not use all of the dice to activate an ability (e.g. if she rolls three 4’s when activating Occlusion).

The activate bonus occurs immediately after you successfully activate the ability.

If Dark Phoenix is Active while inflicted with Concussion or Alpha Alpha, the token is still removed during her Income Phase (i.e. she cannot ‘double-skip’ her Income Phase).

Phoenix Burn Phoenix Burn

If an opponent removes a Phoenix Burn Phoenix Burn during their Upkeep Phase, another one can be inflicted by spending 4 Acuity and it would trigger again.


Acuity can be spent the turn it is gained.

Acuity /Flame Blast Flame Blast Stack Limit

If you are about to gain more Acuity or Flame Blast Flame Blast beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming tokens (since spending status effects is an Instant Action).

When you gain Acuity or Flame Blast Flame Blast, you gain them all at once and must be able to make room for all of it immediately or you will lose the excess (e.g. if you had 3 Acuity while you were about to gain 3 more, you could not choose to only gain 1, then spend 4 to inflict Phoenix Burn Phoenix Burn, and then finally gain 2 more).


Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 8

Boosts damage & burst at Stack Limit:

The King’s Hand

King’s Hand

King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens are Unique Status Effects that cannot be removed or transferred.

They are used as potentially battle-saving comebacks by Bosses and powerful Minions displaying a King’s Hand King’s Hand symbol. Spending King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens is not optional.

Some powerful Minions start with 1 King’s Hand King’s Hand token, specified on their card (see step in “Minion Setup”).

Because scenarios scale in difficulty, so do the details surrounding King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens:

Starting tokens: The number of King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens the Boss/Minion begins with.

Max tokens spent per turn: How many King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens the Boss/Minion can spend in a single turn.

Successful roll values: Whenever a King’s Hand King’s Hand is spent, a single Chaos die Chaos Die is rolled. If its value is within the specified range, the King’s Hand King’s Hand activates successfully.

Note: The result of a King’s Hand King’s Hand die roll may be manipulated by applicable cards/tokens.

King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens are automatically spent by the Boss/Minion during two situations:

A. No Ability Activated

If the Boss/Minion fails to Activate an Ability during their Offensive Roll Phase (for any reason):

  1. Remove any non-persistent Negative Status Effects that would normally be removed at the end of the Roll Phase (e.g. Barbed Vine , Entangle )
  2. Roll 1 Chaos die Chaos Die.
  3. A successful King’s Hand King’s Hand roll gives the Boss/Minion another Offensive Roll Phase. See Scenario card to determine successful roll value for your current scenario.

B. When Targeted With An Ultimate

If you activate an Ultimate Ability against the Boss/Minion:

  1. Roll 1 Chaos die Chaos Die.
  2. A successful King’s Hand King’s Hand roll forces you to re-roll 1 of your dice.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend or skip Offensive Roll Phase:

To remove this token, a player afflicted with it must spend before the start of their Offensive Roll Phase. If the player does not, they must skip their Offensive Roll Phase and then remove this token.


Krampus Complexity 4

This holiday season, Krampus brings bad tidings and coal to all who have misbehaved. And if he wasn’t rotten enough on his own, he’s also scavenged through abandoned gifts and brought to life an army of minions. These Rejects love to support Krampus in causing great discomfort and pain!

Weapon of choice: Rejects


Rule Clarifications


If you have 3 Rejects and are about to draw another, you may Activate a Reject before drawing additional Rejects.

You can never Activate the same Reject more than once in a turn.

Whenever you draw 2 Rejects, you must draw both at the same time (i.e. you cannot draw 1, discard down to 3, then draw another).

When you need to draw 2 Rejects and there is only 1 available, draw the first, shuffle the discarded Rejects, and then draw the next one. You may not spend a Reject in the middle of this process.

Rejects are considered Companions and are not cards that may be sold for .

You may Activate a Reject the turn you gain it.

Rejects with an Attack Modifier Activation Effect cannot be used on collateral dmg (since collateral dmg is not considered an Attack).

Sproingy’s Surprise

The Coal is counted when the card is played. If an opponent removes a Coal later during the Defensive Roll Phase, the added dmg does not change.

Defensive Ability

If you roll a 6 while activating your Defensive Ability, you may still Activate Squishy afterward without reducing the amount of damage dealt.

Activating Bitey

The Healing effect is accumulated with all other damage / prevention effects and is applied simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.


If you have and 4 Coal during your Income Phase, the Coal is not removed since you are unable to gain additional when you already have .

Large Straight

5 of your dice show a sequence of numbers (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6).

Legacy Content

Legacy Content

When you beat the game for the first time you will unlock Legacy Content! This is as much as we are willing to say on the subject, as you will discover it on your own, and it will guide you in how to use it when it is revealed.

Life Siphon

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

If your Offensive Roll Phase results in an Attack, Steal 1 Health. This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).

Attack Modifier. Persistent.



Activate ability bonus effects or deal dmg:

If an Offensive Ability has the outline of a Lightning token next to its name, it may be Charged. When Lightning is gained, place the token on one of these spaces to Charge that ability.

When a Charged ability is activated, you may remove the Lightning from it and activate the Charged Effect.

If there are ever two Lightning tokens on a single ability, immediately remove them both and deal as an isolated source of undefendable dmg to a chosen opponent.

When multiple Lightning are gained simultaneously, they are placed one at a time (and may therefore trigger effects in sequence).


Loki Complexity 4

Prince of Asgard, rightful heir of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, Loki is burdened with glorious purpose. He prefers facing his enemies by indirect means such as illusions, lies, manipulation, and trickery all in his pursuit of the Throne of Asgard as well as the ultimate subjugation of Midgard.

Weapon of choice: Deception


Rules Clarifications

Resolving multiple Bag of Tricks

Each Bag of Tricks token should be resolved and rolled one at a time (since the order of the effects might be important).

Damage/Healing from Bag of Tricks

If they cause a player to receive damage or Heal from more than one instance of Bag of Tricks , the damage/healing is accumulated at the conclusion of the Phase (so it could be prevented all at once).

Loki Mirror Match

When resolving a Bag of Tricks , the Loki whose leaflet the Bag of Tricks came from chooses its outcome.

Spellbound Spellbound Abilities

If a Spellbound Spellbound Ability is upgraded, the token is not removed (place the Ability Upgrade card underneath the token). If an Ability becomes Spellbound Spellbound because of Loki’s Defense, the Ability still resolves (it is going to be valid for the opponent’s next Offensive Roll Phase).

Blocking Abilities with Spellbound Spellbound

If an Offensive Ability has multiple Activation Requirements (such as Scarlet Witch’s Spellcraft), they are all blocked by a single Spellbound Spellbound token. Conversely, if there are multiple named Abilities within a single Ability Upgrade card, only one of the named Abilities is blocked by a single Spellbound Spellbound.

Choosing Illusion Cards

If a player cannot make a decision as to which card to choose, shuffle them and choose the top one.

Illusion Illusion & Defensive Ability

Even if your Illusion Illusion token prevented all damage, you still get to activate your Defensive Ability. If the token was gained from your defense, it may be used immediately.

Spending a second Illusion Illusion

When spending the second Illusion Illusion token, you collect all cards and then repeat the usual steps. All damage prevented by Illusion Cards is cumulative. If a “success” is revealed on subsequent attempts, damage prevention from previous attempts still applies.



The rewards gained from Boss Loot and Loot Chests:

Loot Cards

In Dice Throne Adventures, you are able to upgrade your Hero with powerful Loot cards. These cards:

Equipment Cards

Equipment Card

Some Loot cards are classified as Equipment (indicated in the center of the card). When playing an Equipment card:

Upgrading loot Cards

Many Loot cards you find will be a higher level version of a card you might already have in your deck.

Important: You cannot have two Hero Action or Equipment cards of the same name in your deck. For Example: you cannot have both “So Wild!” and “So Wild III!” in your deck.

Any time you would like to add a Loot card of a higher level than one already in your deck, you must remove the lower level card from your deck. If the lower level card is a:

Swap Icon

The “So Wild III” features a symbol. When you draw this card from the Rare Loot deck, you know you must find and replace the common “So Wild” card already in your deck.

Deck Size Limit

You can have a maximum of 50 cards in your deck. If you go above this amount you must remove a Loot card from your deck before the start of the next scenario, returning the card to the bottom of the appropriate Loot deck.

Custom card sleeves from dicethrone.com come in packs of 50, which helps you keep track of how many cards are in your deck.

If you do not use sleeves, you may need to count your cards as you advance to higher scenario levels to stay at/under the 50 card limit.

Loot Chests

You will find Loot Chests while exploring Environments and from defeating Minions. They contain many possible rewards but what you receive comes down to fate.

To discover your reward, Heroes gaining Loot should roll their Loot die Loot die and compare the result with the relevant row of the Loot Table ( ).

Loot table

Loot Table

Gain Bonus Damage Token: Take 1 corresponding Bonus Damage token.

Gain CP : Increase your CP dial by the indicated amount.

Draw Cards : Draw the indicated number of cards from your deck. If this causes you to have more than 6 cards, do not discard any until your Discard Phase.

Gain Health : Increase your Health dial by the indicated amount.

Gain Gold Gold: Increase the Gold dial by the indicated amount.

Gain Unidentified Loot Card : Take the top card from the Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary Loot deck. Without looking at it, tuck it face-down under the corresponding column of your Hero board. This will keep track of the rarity level of the card.

Tuck Loot Cards

All Hero boards have four columns of abilities. Going from left to right, tuck the Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary cards in each column.

Important: You cannot use cards or abilities to re-roll or change the result (even if the card says ‘any dice’), unless the card specifically mentions the Loot die.

Loot Die

20-sided die that is rolled when you gain Loot. It can only be re-rolled or have its result changed by cards and abilities that specifically mention the Loot die Loot die.

Main Phase

Perform any of the options below in any order, and as many times as you like:

  1. Sell any card

    • Place card from your hand onto your Discard Pile.

    • Increase your CP Dial by (all cards are worth when sold, no matter how much it costs to play).

  2. Main Phase Action card

    Play Main Phase Action cards

    • Reduce your CP Dial by the cost shown on the left side of the card.

    • Perform the described action(s).

    • Place the card onto your Discard Pile.

  3. Hero Upgrade card

    Play Hero Upgrade cards

    • Reduce your CP Dial by the cost shown on the left side of the card.

    • If you are upgrading from level II to level III, only pay the difference in cost.

    • Place the card onto the correspondingly named space on your Hero Board.

Manifest Die

Manifest Die

Special Die

This special colored die can be used to help you activate Offensive Abilities or boost your Attack dmg (counts as an Attack Modifier).

Reference your Passive Ability, Manifest, for additional instructions.

The die cannot be altered in any way except by a card or ability that specifically mentions “Manifest die Manifest Die”. However, when it is swapped with one of your other dice to activate an ability, this Manifest die Manifest Die is now treated as if it is one of your 5 normal dice (and therefore can be altered).


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Force an opponent to re-roll a die:

A player with this token may spend it and roll 1 . On 5–6, you may force the opponent to re-roll any 1 die.

Minion Battle

If you become engaged, or begin your turn already engaged with a Minion, you must battle and defeat the Minion before you may move again.

With a few exceptions, battling Minions is no different from battling regular Dice Throne opponents.

Follow steps 4–7 of a Portal Crawl turn when battling a Minion…

  1. Spend Salve Salve: Refer to the Scenario Card.
  2. First Strike (if applicable): Complete Minion Step before Hero Step.
  3. Hero Step: Perform a complete Dice Throne turn (see your Hero’s Turn Order card).
  4. Minion Step: The Minion completes a Dice Throne turn (with a few modifications).

End Of Turn

If you and the Minion are still alive, the next player takes their turn.

You remain engaged with the Minion on your next turn, unless another Hero defeats it before the start of your next turn.

If You Defeat The Minion

When this Minion is defeated, the Active Player receives any non-Loot Chest rewards. However, Loot Chests always have something in them for all Heroes (i.e. all Heroes roll a Loot die Loot die and receive a reward from the Loot Table based on their roll).

Place the defeated Minion card at the bottom of its deck.

If The Minion Defeats You

Minion Step

During the Minion’s Offensive and Defensive Roll Phases, the teammate who’s before you in the turn order should roll the Chaos dice Chaos Dice for the Minion.

Perform a complete Dice Throne turn with the following exceptions:

  1. Upkeep Phase: Resolve applicable status effects and Passive Abilities.

  2. Income Phase: Skip this phase.

  3. Main Phase (1): Skip this phase.

  4. Offensive Roll Phase

    Roll the 5 Chaos dice Chaos Dice and:

    • Re-roll any dice that do not match the Minion’s Roll Objective or which exceed the required quantity of a symbol.

    • Re-roll dice a second time if the Roll Objective has still not been met.

    When the Roll Objective is Straights, adhere to the following rules when choosing which dice to re-roll:

    • Keep exactly one of each 2, 3, 4, and 5 result.

    • Only keep a 1 or 6 value if it is already part of a Small or Large Straight.

    The Minion performs the best ability that it has fulfilled the Activation Requirement for, including any Passive Abilities.

  5. Targeting Roll Phase: The Minion targets you (the Hero whose turn it currently is).

  6. Defensive Roll Phase: If the Minion’s Attack is defendable, activate your Defensive Ability. Spend any applicable status effect tokens.

  7. Main Phase (2): Skip this phase.

  8. Discard Phase: Skip this phase.


When exploring a new Environment, you may become engaged with a Minion .

Before you begin the Minion Battle, you must draw a random Minion card from the appropriate Minion deck and perform the following setup steps:

  1. Enemy Health Dial

    Take 1 Enemy dial and set the Health side to the indicated starting Health.

  2. Take 5 Chaos dice Chaos Dice.

  3. If the Minion displays a King’s Hand King’s Hand symbol, the Minion begins the battle with a King’s Hand King’s Hand token. Read the King’s Hand tokens section of the Scenario card before continuing.

Minion Cards

Minion Card
  1. King’s Hand King’s Hand
  2. First Strike

  3. Starting Health

  4. Starting

  5. Offensive Ability

  6. Activation Requirement: Just like a standard Dice Throne Hero, all Minions have one or more Offensive Abilities used to Attack you during their Offensive Roll Phase.

  7. Passive Ability: Some Minions have a Passive Ability which should be carried out every Minion turn when possible.

  8. Defensive Ability: Defense works the same for Minions as it does for Heroes. When the Minion is Attacked, the player rolling on behalf of the Minion will roll the indicated number of Chaos dice Chaos Dice to determine the Minion’s defense results.

    Note: Some Minions have a Unique Defense Unique Defense which is activated against all damage types apart from Ultimate Abilities unless stated otherwise.

  9. Minion Rewards: When this Minion is defeated, the Active Player receives any non-Loot Chest rewards. However, Loot Chests always have something in them for all Heroes.

    Example: when the Raging Berserker is defeated, the team is rewarded a Legendary Loot Chest , which allows each player to roll their Loot die Loot die and receive their reward.

  10. Roll Objective: Roll Objective indicates what the Minion is trying to achieve during their Offensive Roll Phase. As per standard Dice Throne rules, the Minion will have 3 Roll Attempts, using the Chaos dice, setting aside any dice that match their Roll Objective (see “Minion Step”).




Throw or Retrieve to gain bonuses:

Begin the game with Mjölnir on your Hero Board.

Molecular Acceleration

Molecular Acceleration

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: Varied

Accelerate Ace Cards:

Used to keep track of filled charge slots on Ace Cards.

This token may not be transferred or removed by any means (except High Stakes or when an Ace Card Explodes).


Monk Complexity 4

The Monk is a master in the art of Chi. He can channel this ancient energy to absorb incoming attacks from his opponents. He can also use Chi to unleash a maelstrom of pain. The Monk is not only the calm before the storm but the storm itself.

Weapon of choice: Chi


Rule Clarifications

Spending Chi

If spent when you are dealing undefendable dmg, the added Chi damage also becomes undefendable.

In a team game, Chi cannot be spent to reduce dmg dealt to a teammate (even though the damage is to your shared health pool).

Can prevent any incoming damage type except Ultimate.

Gaining Chi

If you are about to gain more Chi beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming Chi (since spending status effects tokens is an Instant Action), as long as Chi is not being spent to increase dmg the turn that it was gained.

Increasing the Chi Stack Limit

Lasts for the remainder of the game. To keep track of your current Stack Limit, we recommend leaving excess Chi tokens beyond your current Stack Limit in your vac tray.

Spending Evasive

Evasive may not be used against an Ultimate Attack since Ultimate damage cannot be prevented in any way.

Cards may be played to change the Evasive die roll as long as the card is allowed to be played during the Phase that you are in.

A single Evasive token avoids all cumulative damage taken during the Phase.

If the first attempt to evade fails, you may continue to evade damage using as many tokens as you have available.

If you successfully evade normal Attack damage, you can still activate your Defensive Ability.

Moon Elf

Moon Elf Complexity 2

The Moon Elf’s damage may not match hit for hit with her opponents. However, her ability to repeatedly dodge attacks while simultaneously using the power of the moon to blind and entangle her foes, makes her a frustratingly dangerous opponent to face.

Weapon of choice: Bow & Arrows


Rule Clarifications


Targeted increases damage from an Attack, but does not increase pure or collateral damage. All damage is calculated simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

Spending Evasive

Evasive may not be used against an Ultimate Attack since Ultimate damage cannot be prevented in any way.

Cards may be played to change the Evasive die roll as long as the card is allowed to be played during the Phase that you are in.

A single Evasive token avoids all cumulative damage taken during the Phase.

If the first attempt to evade fails, you may continue to evade damage using as many tokens as you have available.

If you successfully evade normal Attack damage, you can still activate your Defensive Ability.


A Blind token cannot stop an Ultimate Ability. If an Ultimate is about to be activated, the Blind token is simply removed.

On a roll of 1–2, all effects of an Offensive Roll Phase are prevented.

Missed Me

If you roll footfootfootfootyou do not halve incoming dmg twice since the ability states “On” instead of “for every” 2 feet symbols.

Exploding Arrow

If a is rolled, the is lost at the beginning of the Defensive Roll Phase. However, your opponent can play cards (e.g. Not This Time) before the is lost.


When moving, your Hero Standee must travel any distance through a chain of previously explored (face up) Environment tiles until you reach one of the following destinations:

An Unexplored Environment

Travel to an unexplored (face down) Environment tile which you then explore.

An Ongoing Minion Battle

Join a teammate who is currently engaged with a Minion on an explored Environment tile. You also become engaged with this Minion and immediately proceed to the Minion Battle.


The Gunslinger has the option to move to either of the unexplored level I Environment tiles to discover what is there, or join the Barbarian in his current battle and engage with the Fairy Minion.

You cannot:



Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Deals dmg based on number of Nanites:

When Detonated, remove all tokens and deal dmg based on the number of Nanites Nanite on each player:

During Upkeep Phase, a player rolls 1 per Nanite Nanite they are afflicted with: on 6, remove this token.



Companion | Activation limit: 1

You may Activate this Bot during your Upkeep Phase. Upon activation, Detonate all Nanites Nanite.


Ninja Complexity 2

The Ninja knows that victory is never truly certain, so she has spent countless hours to hone her craft. As a master of ninjutsu, she deals massive amounts of damage using unconventional methods. When she’s prepared, she can even dodge incoming attacks with more consistency than any other hero.

Weapon of choice: Ninjatō


Rule Clarifications


Ninjutsu can be spent any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before damage is dealt.

If you are about to gain more Ninjutsu beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming Ninjutsu (since spending status effects is an Instant Action).

If Ninjutsu is spent after your opponent has rolled their Defensive Ability, you can no longer make the Attack undefendable.

Spending Smoke Bomb

Smoke Bomb may not be used against an Ultimate Attack since Ultimate damage cannot be prevented in any way.

Cards may be played to change the Smoke Bomb die roll as long as the card is allowed to be played during the Phase that you are in.

A single Smoke Bomb token avoids all cumulative damage taken during the Phase.

If the first Smoke Bomb fails, you may spend an additional token in the same turn.

If your Smoke Bomb succeeds against normal Attack damage, you can still activate your Defensive Ability.

Gaining Smoke Bomb

If you already have a Smoke Bomb and would gain a second, you can spend the first one to make room for the second Smoke Bomb (since spending status effects is an Instant Action).

Delayed Poison

If your opponent is afflicted with 2 Delayed Poison tokens, they would receive damage at the conclusion of their turn (since damage is always accumulated and resolved at the conclusion of the Phase in which it was dealt).

Walk the Line

Cards can be used to manipulate the two dice when calculating the damage of the ability. However, once the value is locked in, you cannot go back to change the outcome.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend & roll to modify your Attack:

After Attacking, a player with this token may spend it and roll 1 :

Attack Modifier.

“No Solo” symbol

Do not use if playing a solo game. Put on the bottom of its respective deck and draw another card.




Nyra’s Bond

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Distribute damage received between Huntress & Nyra:


When the dice show the same number (not symbol) 2/3/4/5 times.

Offensive Ability

Abilities that can be activated by a hero , minion, or boss , henchmen, or boss during their Offensive Roll Phase.

These abilities are denoted with an ability name and the Activation Requirement (Final Dice Result) needed to activate that ability.

Only one Offensive Ability can be activated during a player's Offensive Roll Phase.

Offensive Roll Phase

During this phase, any player may choose to play Roll Phase Action cards after any step listed below.

Offensive Roll Phase
  1. Perform up to 3 Roll Attempts:

    • Roll all of your dice.

    • Optional: reroll any number of dice.

    • Optional: for a second time, reroll any number of dice.

  2. When you are satisfied with your roll, you may either:

    • Announce the Offensive Ability that you intend to Activate (your Final Dice Result must meet its Activation Requirement). Ask your opponent if they would like to alter your dice or allow the ability to activate successfully.

    • Announce that you are not going to Activate an Offensive Ability at all.

      Tip: Activating a weak Attack against an opponent with a powerful Defensive Ability is not always advisable.

  3. If you, a teammate, or an opponent have altered any of your dice or performed an action, (e.g. someone played ‘Twice As Wild’), you may either:

  4. Activate the Offensive Ability (if one was chosen):

    • Determine its variable effects (some abilities require additional steps to determine their full effects).

    • Resolve any effects that do not require a target (e.g. gain Evasive , gain , Heal , etc).



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Yeah, I can’t say it either:

During any Roll Phase, you may spend this token to change one of your dice to a or , but only if you say a cool or funny onomatopoeia while doing so. This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).

Say “On. oh. Mot. Oh. Pee. A.” (I just made you say Pee! I win!) Spend this bad boy and make a cool sound with your mouth hole. Make it good and actiony! Then increase your Attack by 100. Just kidding. We’re not trying to make an OP hero. (I just made you say Pee again! I double win!)

Minions & Bosses are Players


Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

When a player with this token is Attacked by an opponent, the Attacker increases their damage by × Oppression tokens on the player. This token cannot be removed or transferred by any means. Unlike most other status effects, the quantity of Oppression tokens inflicted is represented by the value shown on a single Oppression token. Attack Modifier. Persistent.


Paladin Complexity 5

The Paladin’s sword of righteousness strikes hard and true. Through faithful devotion, he is capable of celestial defense. The Paladin wades into battle assured that the Divine is with him and that victory is his sovereign right.

Weapon of choice: Sword


Rule Clarifications


If gained during your Defensive, Protect may be spent immediately.

If 2 Protect are spent against the same Attack, both are calculated independently of each other, cutting the damage in half twice and taking no damage, because all damage happens simultaneously.


Retribution deals half of incoming damage back to your opponent after calculating any additions/preventions to the damage.

If spent with Protect on the same Attack, both values are calculated independently of each other (after all other additions/preventions that are not halving damage are resolved).


Crit may only be spent if the Offensive Ability activated deals or more dmg before Attack Modifiers.

Can be spent any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before damage is dealt.

The Crit gained from activating the Righteous Prayer Offensive Ability cannot be used on the damage being dealt (due to the word “then”).

Tithe II

Gaining activates if you use a Prayer for your Holy Attack Offensive Ability (e.g. 3-4-5-6), but not if you roll a Prayer for your added effects of your other abilities (such as Righteous Combat).

Blessing of Divinity

Blessing of Divinity does not reduce or prevent any damage from an opponent’s Ultimate. If the Ultimate would reduce your Health to , your Health is instead set to .

If Blessing of Divinity is triggered while you are afflicted with Poison , you would survive the damage. However, during your next Upkeep Phase, you would receive dmg from Poison and your Health would then be reduced to .


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Prevent opponent from gaining/inflicting status effects:

A player afflicted with this token cannot gain or inflict any status effects associated with any of their Offensive Abilities (all other effects of the ability still apply).

When a player with this token concludes their Roll Phase, remove it.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

During their Upkeep Phase, if a player inflicted with this token has a Positive Status Effect, they receive dmg. Additionally, if they spend a Positive Status Effect to successfully prevent or avoid dmg, remove Parasite and they receive as an isolated source of undefendable dmg.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Deal no dmg during Offensive Roll Phase:

A player afflicted with Parlay may not deal any damage as a result of their Offensive Roll Phase (although other effects may still apply). At the conclusion of the Roll Phase, remove this token.

Passive Ability

Passive Ability

Some characters have a Passive Ability, denoted on the board with an ability name and the effect of the ability. Passive abilities will describe their effects on the ability, and vary in how they are used. Please read each Passive Ability carefully.

Phoenix Burn

Phoenix Burn

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Receive dmg in Upkeep Phase. Roll 1 : on 5–6, remove token:

A player afflicted with this token is dealt dmg during their Upkeep Phase. Then roll 1 : on 5–6, remove this token.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Receive dmg in Upkeep Phase:

A player afflicted with this token is dealt dmg per Poison token during the Upkeep Phase of their turn.


Portal Crawl

Portal Crawl Objective

To complete a Portal Crawl, players must explore the Boss Portal tile and defeat the Level IV Minion guarding it. The Boss Portal may not be explored until all 3 Portal Shards have been collected from the map.

To collect Portal Shards, Heroes must explore an Environment with a Portal Shard on it, adding that Portal Shard to the Boss Portal tile.

Along the way you will discover helpful Loot Chests and Salves Salve, but each step is fraught with danger as the Mad King’s Minions lie in wait, ready for battle…


After finishing the Game Area setup, place the following components on the table within reach:

Now, build the Portal Crawl map following these steps:

  1. Place the Crimson Sands Crimson Sands starting tile. Then place face-down the Boss Portal Boss Portal, and randomly drawn Environments Lvl 1 Environment Lvl 2 Environment Lvl 3 Environment Lvl 4 Environment, as indicated on the Scenario card.

  2. Place the 3 Portal Shards Portal Shards, Loot Chests , and Salve Salve tokens on the indicated tiles.

  3. Place your Hero Standees on the Crimson Sands Crimson Sands tile.

Portal Crawl Map Setup

Set your team’s Gold dial to the “Starting Gold” value indicated on the Scenario card.

Start Player

To determine the starting player, all Heroes must roll their Loot die Loot die. The player who rolls the highest number goes first.

You are now ready to begin your adventure!

Completing The Portal Crawl

If a Hero’s Health was reduced to 0 and could not be revived by any teammate, your team has lost the scenario.

Once you defeat the Level IV Minion revealed after exploring the Boss Portal tile and all Heroes are not engaged with a Minion, your team has won the scenario.

Proceed to Scenario Conclusion.

Portal Shards

Portal Shards

You must collect all 3 Portal Shards on every Portal Crawl. When collected, they are placed on the Boss Portal, which then allows you to face its powerful Minion.

Powder Keg

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Roll 1 in Upkeep Phase. On 1–2, receive dmg, on 6 pass it to anyone:

A player afflicted with this token must roll 1 during their Upkeep Phase. On 1–2, the Keg blows up. On 3–5, nothing happens. On 6, the player afflicted with Powder Keg may transfer the token to a chosen player. Additionally, if a player becomes inflicted with Powder Keg while already inflicted with Powder Keg , the first Keg immediately blows up. When a Keg blows up, remove it and deal as an isolated source of undefendable dmg.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Draw more cards during Income Phase:

A player with these tokens may spend them once per turn during their Income Phase to activate one of the following effects:

When activated, one of the drawn cards must be placed on either the top or bottom of the deck.

Probability Manipulation

Probability Manipulation

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Tip an even number up or down on your dice:

Spend to change the value of any of your dice displaying an even number (2, 4, 6), up or down by a value of 1 (a value of 6 cannot be increased).


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Prevent incoming damage:

A player with this token may spend it at any time to prevent incoming damage (rounded up).


Psylocke Complexity 3

Crafting weapons of telekinetic power, Betsy Braddock manifests her psychic control in the form of powerful weapons, such as daggers. Her agile maneuvers leave opponents paralyzed and her mind can reach deep within her enemy to scramble even their most well-planned defenses.

Weapon of choice: Psychic Daggers


Rules Clarifications

Manifest die Manifest Die

You can never “increase your Attack dmg by ½” and replace a die in the same turn.


Paralyze only affects normal Offensive Abilities (not Ultimate Abilities, Passive Abilities, cards, Attack Modifiers, or other status effects).

This token is always removed at the conclusion of the Roll Phase (even if the token had no effect).


Infiltration cannot be used on other die rolls during the Defensive Roll Phase besides the Roll Attempt (e.g. Agility , Skyward , etc).

Rolling Defensive Ability

If you roll a or , you would deal dmg per and draw or gain Agility (since you have met both activation requirements for the defense roll).

Spending Agility

You can spend Agility at any time and against any damage type, except Ultimate. If gained during your defense, it may be spent immediately.

Preventing damage with Agility

Agility — If you prevent of the incoming damage twice, 100% of the damage is prevented. This is because all damage and prevention is calculated simultaneously at the conclusion of the Phase.



Pyromancer Complexity 3

The Pyromancer has only one way to deal with her enemies: swift, hot destruction. Even her defense is offensive. She is a glass cannon who deals massive amounts of damage, turning her foes to ash.

Weapon of choice: Fire and explosions


Rule Clarifications


While you are stunned, you cannot take any actions of any kind. Even if your opponent has an ability, status effect, or card that could prevent an incoming status effect, Stun is inflicted before any damage is dealt. However, a teammate who is not stunned could perform actions to remove Stun .

Once you remove the Stun token and start a new Offensive Roll Phase, your opponent is no longer stunned and may act normally.

Collateral dmg

When dealing collateral damage to all opponents in a 2v2 game, each individual opponent receives the damage separately (even though they share the same health pool). The other team would therefore receive a total of damage (in addition to any other damage from the ability).

Burning Soul II

If you roll Fiery SoulFiery SoulFiery SoulFiery Soul, both effects are activated since you have satisfied both conditions (inflict Burn and increase your max Fire Mastery Stack Limit).

Fire Mastery

When the Fire Mastery Stack Limit is increased, it lasts for the remainder of that game.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Change a die to a 6 during defense:

A player with this token may spend it to change the value of any die rolled as a part of the Roll Attempt during their Defensive Roll Phase to a 6.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend to add dmg or draw :

A player with this token may:

Reality Warp

Reality Warp

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Force your opponent to use one of your dice:

If a player is inflicted with this token when they begin their Offensive Roll Phase, they must remove it and use one of Scarlet Witch’s dice in place of one of their own until the end of the Offensive Roll Phase.



Note: Rejects are a deck of cards.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Spend to add ½ of 1 to your Attack dmg:

After Attacking, a player with this token may spend it and roll 1 to add ½ the value as dmg (rounded up).

Attack Modifier.

Resolving Text

Roll, On, Multiplication

“Roll [#]

Roll the indicated number of dice a single time, then resolve the effects that follow. Dice rolled previously cannot be used to resolve the listed effects.

Multiplication (e.g. “4 × Hero Die”)

Multiply the [number] by the [quantity] of your dice displaying the symbol to determine the total.

“On [symbol]”

If your roll contains the symbol shown , you get the listed benefits . However, you only get these benefits once, even if your roll contains the required result multiple times.

Then statement


You may spend status effects and play Instant Action cards or Roll Phase Action cards at the point of a ‘Then’ statement. The effect following a ‘Then’ statement is performed after the effects that came before it.

Or statement


When statements are separated by an “or”, you may resolve only one of the options.



Take the indicated resource from your opponent and give it to yourself.

When stealing Health/, increase your Health/CP Dial and reduce their dial accordingly.

If your opponent does not have the specified amount, Steal as much as they have.


Statements following an “Additionally” resolve after the other listed effects.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend when Attacked to deal ½ dmg back:

This token may be spent after being Attacked as a result of an opponent’s Offensive Roll Phase to deal half of the incoming dmg (rounded up) back to the Attacker.


Rogue Complexity 3

Without the capacity to control her mutant ability to absorb memories and powers through touch, the young woman known as Rogue was once on a dark path. However, Rogue has successfully redeemed herself as a heroine and became influential among the X-Men!

Weapon of choice: Power Absorption


Rules Clarifications


When a Skyward token is spent, only a single effect occurs regardless of the number of times the die was re-rolled.

Ionic Energy

If you gain Ionic Energy while at Stack Limit, you cannot replace a token with the new token (since you are already at Ionic Energy Stack Limit).

Spending Ionic Energy

Ionic Energy can be spent any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before damage is dealt.

Can be used to increase any Attack damage type that is modifiable (i.e. normal, undefendable, Ultimate dmg).

Stealing Health

Since this does not count as ‘dealing damage’, it cannot be prevented or reduced, does not count toward damage calculations, and does not activate an opponent’s Defensive Ability.

You cannot Steal more Health than your opponent has available.

Influence Influence

If an opponent loses 3 Roll Attempts due to Influence Influence, they are still considered to have had an Offensive Roll Phase (even though they were not able to roll any dice). They can play the card One More Time to gain another Roll Attempt.

You cannot play any dice-altering cards on your dice if you lose all 3 Roll Attempts (since you were unable to roll any dice at all).

Ionic Drive

No Ionic Energy is gained if you prevent all incoming dmg (i.e. at least dmg must be successfully dealt after all damage and prevention effects have been resolved).


Roll Attempt

A dice roll performed by the player to Activate an Offensive or Defensive Ability.

Roll Objective

The dice results a Minion or Boss Henchmen or Boss is aiming for to Activate an Offensive Ability.

Marvel Dice Throne Missions

Roll Phase

Any or all of: Offensive Roll Phase, Targeting Roll Phase, and Defensive Roll Phase.

If an ability references “the conclusion of the Roll Phase,” this occurs just before Main Phase (2) begins.



Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Rock, Paper, Scissors for fun and benefits:

A player with this token may spend it when Attacking or when being Attacked. Once spent, choose an opponent to play Rock, Paper, Scissors against. If you win, gain the benefit listed below. If you tie, play again.

Can only spend once per turn.

Rock. Paper. Scissors. SHOOT!!!!! I picked shoot. I win. Pew. pew.



Salve tokens are used to Heal wounds or revive a teammate.

During Portal Crawls

You may choose to spend any number of Salves Salve to Heal yourself. For each Salve Salve spent, Heal the amount indicated at the bottom left of the Scenario card.

Salves may only be used:

Salves Salve are Unique Status Effects and cannot be removed or transferred. Salves Salve are also spent to revive fallen teammates to Health but may not be used to revive yourself.

During Boss Battles

You may choose to spend Salves Salve to Heal on your team’s shared Health dial (may spend multiple).

Note: Salves Salve may not be spent to revive fallen teammates in a Boss Battle.


Samurai Complexity 3

Driven by an endless pursuit of honor, the Samurai will stop at nothing to drive all who are not worthy from his sight. He marks with shame those who are small, petty, and insignificant. In the end, the shameful must be put to the sword, even if this means taking his own life.

Weapon of choice: Katana


Rule Clarifications


Shame reduces damage from normal or undefendable dmg Attacks. Does not reduce damage from pure dmg Attacks.

Shame cannot reduce damage from an Ultimate. However, their Shame tokens are still removed (with no dmg being reduced).

Removing Shame

Your opponent must activate an Attack in order to remove a Shame token. An Offensive Ability that only deals collateral or pure dmg does not remove any Shame . All Shame tokens are removed even if the Attack deals just dmg.

Back Strike

Back Strike cannot be spent in response to an opponent’s Ultimate. The damage dealt by Back Strike is accumulated with all other damage and is dealt simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.


You still gain Honor from your Bushido Passive Ability even if you performed fewer than 3 Roll Attempts due to a Negative Status Effect (Entangle , Constrict , etc) or if your opponent forces you to re-roll one or more of your dice.

If you perform only one Roll Attempt, you still only gain one Honor .

If you are about to gain more Honor beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming Honor (since spending status effect tokens is an Instant Action).


Santa Complexity 3

Don’t let his festive cheer, jolly smile, and mugs full of egg nog lull you into a false sense of security. For those on the naughty list, you better watch out. You better not pout. Santa Claus is coming to pound!

Weapon of choice: Holiday Cheer


Rule Clarifications

Egg Nog Egg Nog

Egg Nog Egg Nog can be used the same turn it is gained.

If you are about to gain more Egg Nog Egg Nog beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming Egg Nog Egg Nog, as spending status effects is an Instant Action.

When you gain Egg Nog Egg Nog, you gain it all at once and must be able to make room for all of it immediately or you will lose the excess (for example, if you were gaining 5, you cannot gain 2, spend 3, and then gain 3 more).

When an opponent tries to move or remove Egg Nog Egg Nog, you can spend 3 tokens before they moved by following priority rules.

Damage from Egg Nog Egg Nog

Isolated damage is dealt immediately and counts as a separate instance of damage regardless of any other damage that is dealt within the same phase.

Cheer Cheer

If an opponent gains Cheer Cheer, it is considered their own Cheer Cheer and they may use it to re-roll one of their own dice. Also, if they gain three Cheer Cheer, they may change their own die to a 6.

When an ability or card reads “Deal dmg per Cheer Cheer”, this additional dmg is per Cheer Cheer only on Santa’s own Hero Board.

If an ability reads “opponent gains Cheer Cheer”, this is not optional.

Ultimate Ability

If your opponent is defeated, the additional Roll Phase is forfeit.


Santa does count as a “player” when activating his Festivities ability.

Sapling Spirit

Sapling Spirit

Companion | Stack limit: 2

Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch Complexity 4

With powers that can manipulate reality itself and the meddling of unseen forces, Wanda Maximoff’s real origin is a mystery. Blessed with the ability to manipulate chaos magic, she took a while to find her place in the world, but now Scarlet Witch has found a new family with the Avengers.

Weapon of choice: Chaos Magic


Rules Clarifications

Resolving Reality Warp Reality Warp

Reality Warp Reality Warp — While an opponent has one of Scarlet Witch’s dice, it is considered to be theirs for the purpose of die altering cards or effects. The die can be used for its number, but not its symbol. Therefore, abilities that have a 4-of-a-kind (#’s) can use Scarlet Witch’s die.

Ultimate Abilities cannot be activated since they require 5 of the same symbol (except in a Scarlet Witch mirror match).

Scarlet Witch’s die must be used for all effects that are resolved before the end of the Offensive Roll Phase (e.g. Thor rolling 5 dice when activating his Odinforce Offensive Ability).

Spending Conjure Conjure

If your opponent has no cards to discard when you spend Conjure Conjure, you are free to take whichever Positive Status Effect you want!

Spending Probability Manipulation Probability Manipulation

You can spend Probability Manipulation Probability Manipulation at any time as an Instant Action after rolling dice.

Spending Crackle Crackle

You can spend Crackle Crackle before the end of your Offensive Roll Phase when some status effects might be removed from your Hero Board (e.g. Loki’s Spellbound Spellbound). You can also wait until your opponent activates their Defensive Ability to see if you will be inflicted by a status effect before spending Crackle Crackle (e.g. Black Widow’s Time Bomb Time Bomb 2).

You cannot spend it when activating Mind Blast, since it deals pure damage (which cannot be modified with Attack Modifiers).

Stealing Health

When stealing Health, your opponent can not activate their Defensive Ability.


Scenario Cards

A campaign alternates between Portal Crawl and Boss Battle scenarios. Scenario cards provide setup and and other details.

Show card type:

Portal Crawl Scenario Cards

Portal Crawl Scenario Card
  1. Scenario Number: Each campaign consists of 8 scenarios. This is an example of the first scenario.
  2. Game Mode: A scenario is either a Portal Crawl or a Boss Battle.
  3. Map Layout: Refer to this when you set up a Portal Crawl.
  4. Salve: The effects of Salve Salve during this scenario.
  5. Hero Setup: Details the starting value of players’ Health dial(s) and the team’s Gold dial, depending on whether there are 1/2/3/4 Heroes. If you are just starting out on your adventure, it also indicates the number of Salves Salve to be distributed amongst your team.

    e.g. In a 2-player game each Hero will start with 18 Health and the Gold dial will be set to 10.

  6. Conclusion: Details what to do upon your team’s victory or defeat.

  7. King’s Hand Tokens: Should be referred back to when you face powerful Minions who use these tokens.

Boss Battle Scenario Cards

Boss Battle Scenario Card
  1. Scenario Number: Each campaign consists of 8 scenarios. This is an example of the second scenario.
  2. Game Mode: A scenario is either a Portal Crawl or a Boss Battle.
  3. Boss: This is the Boss the heroes are battling!
  4. Salve: The effects of Salve Salve during this scenario.
  5. Hero Setup: Heroes share a Health dial, which starts at 50.

  6. Boss Setup: Starting values of Boss's Health, Upgrade CP, and Starting CP during setup, depending on whether there are 1/2/3/4 Heroes.

    E.g., in a 2-player game this Boss will start with 70 Health, 8 Upgrade CP, and 2 Starting CP.

  7. Conclusion: Details what to do upon your team’s victory or defeat.

  8. King’s Hand Tokens: Refer to this during setup and when the Boss uses these tokens.

    Here in a 2-player game, the Fallen Barbarian starts with 2 King’s Hand King’s Hand tokens.

Scenario Conclusion

After completing a game session of either a Portal Crawl or a Boss Battle, you must perform the 3 conclusion steps below (which are also described on your Scenario card). Before performing conclusion steps, first clean up all of your Hero’s components except for unidentified Loot cards. But keep your deck handy as you will be adding Loot cards to it.

1. Shop / Boss Loot

Permanently upgrade your deck by adding Loot cards. If the current scenario is a Portal Crawl, see “Shop”. Otherwise, see “Boss Loot”.

2. Record Win / Loss & Increase Starting Salves

Record the results of your session on the Campaign Scoring sheet.

Recording A Win

Record win on Score sheet - record the following in the green boxes (when applicable):

Recording a Win

The above example shows scoring for a Portal Crawl and therefore the Unclaimed Boss Loot is left blank.

  1. Scenario #: In the top left corner of the Scenario card.

  2. Remaining Salves: 1 Scenario Point for each remaining Salve Salve your team didn’t use.

  3. Starting Salves for next session: Record the total number of Salves Salve your team still has in the Starting Salve box for next session.

  4. Unspent Gold (Portal Crawl Only): 1 Scenario Point for every 5 unspent Gold your team has remaining after the Shop Phase has concluded.

  5. Unclaimed Boss Loot cards (Boss Battle Only): 1 Scenario Point for each Boss Loot card your team chose not to keep.

  6. Explored All tiles (Portal Crawl Only): 5 Scenario Points if your team explored every tile during a Portal Crawl.

  7. Scenario Score: Points equal to the Scenario Score (in the top right of your Scoring sheet).

  8. Session Score: The total of the above values.

Recording a Loss

When your team is defeated, you will repeat the scenario. When you repeat it, your team will be given 3 more Starting Salves Salve than you began the previous session with.

Record loss on Score sheet - record the following:

Recording a loss

The green boxes in the example above are all left blank because the team was defeated.

  1. Scenario #: in the top left corner of the Scenario card.

  2. Starting Salves for next session: Add 3 to your current session’s Starting Salve value and record it in the Starting Salve box for next session.

  3. Session Score: Write “–10” (negative 10).

Important: None of the green boxes on your Score sheet are filled in when your team is defeated.

3. Advance or Repeat the Scenario

After completing a scenario, any Boss cards, Environment tiles, and Minion cards used in the scenario should be shuffled back into their respective decks and placed back into the Card Caddy before setting up the next scenario.

If Your Team Won

Advance to the next scenario: Advance to the next scenario with any new Loot cards obtained.

If Your Team Lost

Repeat the scenario: Repeat this scenario (drawing a new Scenario card only if it’s a Portal Crawl) with 3 more Salves Salve and any new Loot cards obtained.

Scenario Points

Used to calculate your Session Score and eventually your Campaign Score — which lets you compare your accomplishments with those of other teams.

In a Portal Crawl you gain Scenario Points for:

In a Boss Battle you gain Scenario Points for:

Record the Scenario Points you gain during Scenario Conclusion.

Seedling Spirit

Seedling Spirit

Companion | Stack limit: 3


Take a card from your hand, place it onto your Discard Pile, and then increase your CP Dial by .

During a Main Phase, you may sell any number of cards from your hand.

During the Discard Phase, you must sell cards from your hand, until you have or fewer cards.


Seraph Complexity 3

To look into the face of the Seraph is to gaze upon the hand of God. Her blades are infused with holy energy designed to cut evil from the earth. Her crystal wings carry her above the battlefield where her brilliant light blinds all who do not avert their gaze. Humble yourself before her holy presence or die.

Weapon of choice: Angelic blades


Rule Clarifications


A single Flight token avoids all incoming damage types received during the Defensive Roll Phase except an Ultimate.

If the first spent Flight fails, you may continue using as many tokens as you have available.

Cards can be used to change the Flight die roll as long as the card can be played during the current Phase you are in. You can spend Flight immediately after gaining it in an attempt to make your Attack undefendable or to avoid all incoming damage (depending on the Phase).

If you successfully avoid normal Attack damage, you can still activate your Defensive Ability.

Blinding Light

On a roll of 1, all effects of an Offensive Roll Phase are prevented. On a roll of 2 or 3, all damage from this single Roll Phase is halved, including any isolated sources of dmg and all damage types except Ultimate. If a player concludes the Offensive Roll Phase without activating an Ability, remove this token.

A Blinding Light token cannot stop an Ultimate Ability. If an Ultimate is about to be activated, the Blinding Light token is simply removed.

Blessing of Divinity

Blessing of Divinity does not reduce or prevent any damage from an opponent’s Ultimate. If the Ultimate would reduce your Health to , your Health is instead set to .

If Blessing of Divinity is triggered while you are afflicted with Poison , you would survive the damage. However, during your next Upkeep Phase, you would receive dmg from Poison and your Health would then be reduced to .

Holy Presence

Holy Presence deals damage to all opponents. In a 2v2 match, teams share Health, meaning they would take a total of dmg from their shared Health pool.


When activating Purify an opponent may spend a status effect in response before it is removed. See Priority Rules.

Session Score

The total number of Scenario Points gained (or lost) from a Portal Crawl or Boss Battle. Used to calculate your Campaign Score, which lets you compare your accomplishments with those of other teams. Recorded during Scenario Conclusion.

Game Setup

Game Setup

Each player should place all of their chosen hero’s components in front of them:

  1. Hero Board

  2. Hero Leaflet

  3. Tokens: Stack your status effect and Companion tokens on your Hero Leaflet in their associated places.

  4. Health Dial: Set your starting Health to 50 (for a 1v1 game).

  5. Combat Points Dial: Set your starting CP to .

  6. Deck: Shuffle your cards to create a deck. Draw the top cards from your deck. This is your starting hand.

  7. Dice: Roll 1 . The player who rolls the highest number goes first and is considered the Start Player.

  8. Additional Setup: Some Heroes require unique setup steps. If applicable, these steps will be located on the front of your Hero Leaflet under “Hero Setup”.

Dice Throne Adventures Setup

When beginning a new campaign, choose a Difficulty Level card (we recommend “Normal” if you are new to Dice Throne) and fill in the following on the Campaign Scoring sheet:

Campaign Scoring Sheet
  1. Difficulty Level

  2. Your Team Name

  3. Your Names

  4. Your Chosen Heroes: You will continue with the same Hero for the whole campaign.

  5. Scenario Score: Indicated on chosen Difficulty Level card.

Game Area Setup

When starting or continuing a campaign, place the following components on the table within reach:

  1. Token Tray

  2. Loot Table

  3. Card Caddy Tray: Make sure the Loot cards are separated into their 4 decks, as indicated by their Loot icons (Common , Rare , Epic , Legendary ), and shuffle each deck.

    If playing a Portal Crawl, also make sure each Level of Minion cards is separated into its own deck and shuffled. Keep Minions and Loot cards in the vac tray.

  4. Scenario Card: 4 Scenario cards exist for each Portal Crawl scenario. Randomly choose one to determine your Portal Crawl map. If you are setting up for a Boss Battle scenario, simply take the associated Scenario card.

Player Setup

  1. Set Health Dial: See Scenario card to determine starting Health value as part of Hero setup.

  2. Take 1 Loot Die Loot Die

  3. Take 1 Turn Order Card

  4. Set up your Hero’s remaining components: As per a normal Dice Throne match, gain and draw .

  5. Salve

    Distribute starting salves: For session one, distribute the Starting Salves indicated on the Scenario card.

    For all other sessions, reference the Starting Salves indicated on the Campaign Scoring sheet. You may distribute Salve Salve tokens amongst your team in any fashion.

    Starting Salves

Next, set up the scenario depending on type — Portal Crawl, or Boss Battle.

Shadow Thief

Shadow Thief Complexity 4

The Shadow Thief doesn’t like to end things quickly. He prefers running the long con. Increasing his health, poisoning his foes, hiding & striking from the shadows — that’s his style. If allowed to reach the conclusion of his complicated game plan, his victims will find themselves in utter ruin.

Weapon of choice: Poisoned Dagger


Rule Clarifications

Discarding Shadows

If you are already in the Shadows and then gain it again, a second instance of it cannot be gained since the Stack Limit is 1. The first one still goes away at the end of your turn.

Shadows can be transferred to a different player.

It is only discarded at the conclusion of a turn in which you started with the same Shadows token on your Hero board.

Damage while in Shadows

If you are stunned while already in the Shadows , you receive no damage, but your opponent would still gain an additional Offensive Roll Phase.

Damage received outside of an opponent’s Offensive Roll Phase is not prevented (i.e. Poison , Burn , etc).

Does not prevent damage from an Ultimate Ability.

Defensive Ability

You must choose which Defensive Ability to use before you roll your dice.

If you roll ShadowShadow on your Shadow Defense, you gain both a Sneak Attack and Shadows .

Dealing as dmg

Damage is dealt based upon the you have when the ability was activated. Any changes to your after the ability was activated do not affect the dmg amount.

is not spent when activating these abilities.

Sneak Attack

Sneak Attack can be spent any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll), but must be spent before damage is dealt.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

A player with this token avoids damage:

When a player with this token is damaged as a result of an opponent’s Offensive Roll Phase, no damage is received and no defense is made (although the Offensive Ability still “succeeds” & other effects may apply). Remove this token after the affected player starts & concludes a single turn while under its effects.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Reduces Attack dmg by :

When a player with a Shame token would deal normal or undefendable damage as a result of an Attack, remove this token and reduce that dmg by per Shame token removed.

Attack Modifier.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

During the Defensive Roll Phase, a player with this token may spend 1 or more Shield to prevent per Shield token spent. This token can only be used against defendable damage (but isn’t restricted by Range rules, unlike Defense Rolls).

Shock Bot

Shock Bot

Companion | Activation limit: 1

If your Offensive Roll Phase results in an Attack, you may Activate this Bot. Upon activation, increase that dmg by . This Bot may never be activated twice in one turn.


After completing a Portal Crawl, it’s time to spend your hard-earned Gold at Rosella’s Shop.

1. Gold total per player

Gold Dial

Round the amount on the Gold dial up to the nearest 5 Gold Gold, with all Heroes receiving this amount of Gold to spend in the shop.

Tip: Use your own Health dial to track how much Gold you have to spend.

Example: If the Gold dial shows 27 Gold, increase this to 30, and all Heroes have 30 Gold to spend.

2. Deal Shop Cards

Deal each player a hand of Loot cards of the amount and type indicated in the Conclusion section of the Scenario card.

Important: Players may look at these Loot cards, but not at any Unidentified Loot cards they gathered during the Portal Crawl.

3. Gain Cards

Perform any of the actions below, any number of times and in any order.

Buy: Spend Gold to add one of the cards dealt to you during Step 2 (“Deal Shop cards”) to your deck. See the Shopkeeper leaflet’s Price Tag for its cost.

Loot Card Costs

Identify: Spend 10 Gold Gold to Identify an Unidentified Loot card. The identified Loot card is instantly added to your deck.

Sell: Unidentified Loot cards (or any Loot card currently in your deck), may be sold for 5 Gold Gold each.

Clean Up

After finishing the Shop phase, all obtained cards are shuffled into your deck for use during the next scenario.

All Unidentified cards and Shop cards that were not bought or identified are returned to their respective Loot decks.

Note: Unidentified loot cards cannot be carried over to the next scenario.


Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

A player afflicted with this token may not Activate their Small Straight or Large Straight abilities. At the conclusion of their turn, remove this token.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

When Attacked, roll to prevent/deal dmg:

When a player with this token is Attacked, they may choose to spend it. If spent, you and your Attacker each roll 1 . The player who spent this token may pay to re-roll their die (may do this multiple times):

If your outcome is greater, deal dmg back to the Attacker.

If your outcome is equal, prevent incoming dmg.

Small Straight

4 of your dice show a sequence of numbers (i.e. 1,2,3,4 or 2,3,4,5 or 3,4,5,6).

Smoke Bomb

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend & roll 1–3 to avoid damage:

When a player with this token has incoming damage (from any source), they may choose to spend it. If spent, roll 1 . If the outcome is 1-3, no dmg is received (although other associated effects may still apply).

Multiple tokens may be spent in an attempt to prevent the same source of damage.

Sneak Attack

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Spend to add 1 to your Attack dmg:

After Attacking, a player with this token may spend it and roll 1 to add the value of the die to their damage total.

Attack Modifier.



Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

An Offensive Ability cannot be rolled:

When inflicted, place this token so that it covers the name of an opponent’s Offensive Ability (cannot cover an Ultimate Ability).

This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be removed).




Spells have Prepare and Cast effects:


If a status effect is Spent, you discard the token and receive the benefit. This has no cost. You may gain this status effect token again later in the game.

Miles Morales - Spider Man

Miles Morales - Spider Man Complexity 2

After being bit by a radioactive spider, Miles Morales decided to follow in the footsteps of his hero, Spider-Man. With similar powers as the original Spider-Man, plus the ability to turn invisible, Miles patrols the streets of Brooklyn while still trying to graduate high school!

Weapon of choice: Web Shooters


Rules Clarifications

Using Invisibility Invisibility

You can spend it against pure damage (since pure damage still counts as an Attack). However, you cannot spend it against collateral damage (since collateral dmg does not count as an Attack). If you are able to spend 2 Invisibility Invisibility in one turn, you may not activate a Defensive Ability twice.


If you activate Ensnare (small / large straight) against an opponent that is already inflicted with Webbed , the previous one would immediately activate (making the dmg undefendable) and then the new one would be inflicted after dmg calculations (dealing an additional as an isolated source of undefendable dmg).

If, however, you activate Ensnare against an opponent that is not already inflicted with Webbed , the effect of turning normal damage into undefendable does not occur during this Attack (since damage calculation has already resolved, due to the key word “then”).

If you activate Venom Shockwave (Ultimate Ability) against an opponent that is already inflicted with Webbed , the new Webbed is not applied due to Stack Limit rules.

Webbed and Invisibility Invisibility

If you have Invisibility Invisibility and are inflicted by Webbed , you may spend Invisibility Invisibility (since the damage became undefendable).

Combo and Knockdown

If you become inflicted with Knockdown as you are about to spend Combo , you must pay or skip your additional Offensive Roll Phase.


Status Effects

Each hero has a unique set of status effects listed on their hero leaflet, represented by tokens. If you need more tokens than are provided, represent them with something else.

Positive or Negative Status Effects can be gained or inflicted on yourself or other players. Status effects are usually gained or inflicted through cards or Offensive Abilities.

When you gain or inflict a status effect, take the corresponding token from your Hero Leaflet and place it in the middle of the receiving player’s Hero Board. This status effect is now considered to be “in play”.

Important: If a player is defeated, status effects they inflicted on other players remain in play.

Removing Status Effects

When a status effect is removed, return the token to the appropriate space on its Hero’s Leaflet. When using cards or abilities that remove a specific number of status effects, remove that many tokens.

Spendable Status Effects

Some status effects are removed by spending them. Unless otherwise specified, you may spend these status effects at any time during any Phase of any player’s turn and their effects are immediate.

Persistent Status Effects

A status effect marked as “Persistent” remains in play until a card, status effect, or ability causes it to be removed from the Hero.

Stack Limits

Many status effects can be applied multiple times to a Hero, creating a stack of them on Hero Board. The Stack Limit represents the maximum number of tokens of a particular status effect that can be on a single Hero Board at a given time (e.g. a status effect with a Stack Limit of 2 can have a maximum of 2 tokens on each Player).

Increasing Stack Limit

If a player increases the Stack Limit of a status effect, the increase only applies to that player, and lasts for the duration of the game.

Cursed Doubloon

Unique Status Effects

These fundamentally break the standard status effect rules (explained in their description). They are considered to be neither a Positive nor Negative Status Effect. Unique Status Effects often have a custom shape and/or size.

Interrupting Status Effects

If a status effect is spent, its effects cannot be interrupted.

Cursed Pirate has inflicted a Powder Keg and two Wither status effects on the Gunslinger. Wither is marked as Persistent in the status effect description, so it will remain on the Gunslinger’s Hero Board until the Gunslinger is able to remove it. Wither has a Stack Limit of 2, allowing the Cursed Pirate to inflict it twice on the Gunslinger.


Storm Complexity 4

As one of the most revered X-Men, Ororo Munroe calls forth all manner of weather to aid her teammates and to upset enemies. From her command of lightning to the very wind itself, Storm soars above all she surveys.

Weapon of choice: Weather Phenomena


Rules Clarifications

Gaining Lightning

If an activated ability gains Lightning and the ability is already Charged, you may activate the Charged Effect (removing the Lightning token), and then place a new Lightning on that ability.

Damage from Lightning

Lightning — Isolated damage is dealt immediately and counts as a separate instance of damage regardless of any other damage that is dealt within the same phase.

Charging Abilities

One Lightning will Charge the entire Gust ability (i.e. both the Small and Large straight). A Charged Effect can never be activated twice in one turn.

Charged Effect

In order for a Charged Effect to activate, Lightning must be placed on the ability before the ability is activated. This means that if Storm activates an ability that “gains Lightning ” and chooses to place it on the ability that was just activated, she would not gain the benefit of the Charged Effect.

When a Charged ability is activated, you must decide immediately whether you want to use its Charged Effect.

Resolving Tornado

Tornado — While using opponent’s dice, they are considered to be Storm’s for the purpose of dice altering cards or effects (e.g. So Wild).

Since the opponent’s dice will have different symbols than Storm uses, the only benefit the dice provide is the number (except for a Storm mirror match). This also means that the opponent’s dice cannot help Storm activate her Ultimate Ability.

If an opponent’s card or ability requires them to roll dice that Storm has temporarily gained, they may still use those dice.

Spending Tornado

They must be spent before dice are rolled for the Offensive Roll Phase. If an opponent transfers a Tornado to themselves, they would take one of Storm’s dice.

A player may never use Tornado to roll more dice than an opponent has available.



Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Perform another Offensive Roll Phase:

A player afflicted with this token may take no actions of any kind (i.e. no cards may be played, no defense may be made, no status effect tokens or Passive Abilities may be used, etc). After the Attack concludes, the player who inflicted Stun removes the token and then immediately targets the same opponent with an additional Offensive Roll Phase (if your opponent is defeated, the additional Offensive Roll Phase is forfeited).


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 3

Spend these tokens for a variety of effects:

Swap Icon

Indicates that a Loot card replaces a common Dice Throne card in a Hero’s deck.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 7

Spend during Main Phase to build a Bot:

Spend to Activate Bots:

Tactical Advantage

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 5

A player with these tokens may spend them at any time to activate a variety of effects:


Tactician Complexity 5

The Tactician surveys the battlefield with assurance and calm, confident that there is no foe greater than he. From atop the higher ground, he claims victory by asserting absolute control over all that he sees.

Weapon of choice: Saber


Rule Clarifications

Tactical Advantage

There is no limit to how many different effects can be used in one turn. These can be used the same turn it is gained.

If you are about to gain more Tactical Advantage beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming Tactical Advantage , (since spending status effect tokens is an Instant Action).

When you gain Tactical Advantage , you gain it all at once and must be able to make room for all of it immediately or you will lose the excess (for example, if you were gaining 4, you cannot gain 2, spend 3, and then gain 2 more).

When the Tactical Advantage Stack Limit is increased, it lasts for the remainder of that game. To keep track of your current Stack Limit, we recommend leaving excess Tactical Advantage tokens beyond your current Stack Limit in your vac tray.

When an opponent tries to remove or take Tactical Advantage , you can spend it before they are removed by following priority rules.


Targeted increases damage from an Attack, but does not increase pure or collateral damage. All damage is calculated simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.


If gained during your Defense, Protect may be used immediately.

If 2 Protect are spent against the same Attack, both are calculated independently of each other, cutting the damage in half twice and taking no damage, because all damage happens simultaneously.


If you activate Profiteer and roll a 6, this is treated as if you conclude your first Offensive Roll Phase and then begin a new second Offensive Roll Phase. All status effect tokens that would normally be removed at the end of the Offensive Roll Phase should be removed. This also means that there is not a Defensive Roll Phase when a 6 is rolled.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Increase incoming Attack dmg by :

When a player afflicted with this token is Attacked by an opponent, the incoming Attack dmg is increased by .

Attack Modifier. Persistent.

Targeting Roll Phase

If you have more than one opponent, you must determine your target.

In King of the Hill variants, simply choose an opponent to target. In Team vs. Team variants, roll 1 to determine the target.

Target for effect only

Note: Targeting an opponent still applies even if you have activated an ability that does no damage, but has effects that must be reconciled (e.g. ‘Mark the Target’ inflicts Bounty ).


Thor Complexity 3

Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. These were the words Odin inscribed on the mythic hammer Mjölnir before casting it and his son Thor into the realm of mortals, Midgard. Upon retrieval of the hammer, Thor regained all his powers as God of Thunder and uses them to protect all of the Nine Realms.

Weapon of choice: Mjölnir


Rules Clarifications

Spending Guard Break

More than 1 Guard Break token can be spent in a turn. However, if you already have 2 tokens and gain another, you cannot spend one before receiving the new one (since the token cannot be spent until the conclusion of their Offensive Roll Phase).

Throwing and Retrieving Mjölnir Mjölnir

There is no limit to how many times Mjölnir Mjölnir can be Thrown or Retrieved in a single turn.

Damage from Mjölnir Mjölnir

Mjölnir Mjölnir — Isolated damage is dealt immediately and counts as a separate instance of damage regardless of any other damage that is dealt within the same phase.

Opponent defeated while having Mjölnir Mjölnir

When an opponent that has Mjölnir Mjölnir is defeated, Retrieve it.


Time Bomb

Time Bomb

Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Roll a 6 to attempt to defuse. Take dmg if you run out of time:

When inflicting this token, if you have at least 6 Ability Upgrades in play, place it on the Time Bomb 1 side up. Otherwise, place it on the Time Bomb 2 side up.

During their Upkeep Phase, a player afflicted with this token must roll 1 :

When a Time Bomb Time Bomb 2 is advanced:

Timing Conflicts

These are advanced rules about the specific timing when rolling dice and for other various Actions, effects and abilities. Additional explanations, examples, and advanced rules questions can be viewed at advancedrules.dicethrone.com.

Rolling Your Dice

When a player is rolling dice (for any reason), including when they are using their Roll Attempts to activate an Offensive Ability or a Defensive Ability or when rolling a status effect die (e.g. Evasive ), the Player rolling these dice can alter and re-roll these dice without being interrupted by their opponent. They can use any valid Instant Action cards, Roll Phase Action cards, status effects, or abilities, and cannot be interrupted by their opponent.

Once a player has finished altering or re-rolling their dice, they will then declare their intention. At this point, their opponent can alter the dice result, after which the rolling player may respond. This will go back and forth until all players accept the results.

Dice may always be altered, including dice rolled by any type of Action card and status effect so long as the card is used in the appropriate Phase (e.g. an Evasive die being re-rolled due to the Roll Phase Action card Helping Hand!).

The one and only time you cannot alter dice is when resolving effects of a successfully activated Ultimate Ability (e.g. the Gunslinger spending and rolling a die for their Reload status effect, etc).

Simultaneous Actions

Multiple players may want to perform Instant Actions at the same time. This can cause confusion as to whose Action(s) should be resolved first. The player whose turn it is has priority, regardless of who initiated their Action first or how many Actions a player wants to perform at this time.

Important: Spending a status effect or activating/spending a Companion is considered an Instant Action!

Buh Bye

For example, if your opponent wants to avoid your Attack by spending Evasive , and then you play the Instant Action card Buh, Bye! to remove your opponent’s Evasive , your card would resolve first, because it’s your turn.

Once initiated, these Actions must be fully completed and cannot be interrupted

For example, you must resolve the first Evasive token that was spent before a second Evasive may be spent.

Main Phase Action cards and Hero abilities are different from Instant Actions or Roll Phase Actions as they are not considered “instant” and can be interrupted.

For example, when you play the Main Phase Action card What Status Effects?, your opponent may still spend valid status effects before the card resolves completely (e.g. Tactical Advantage , Nyra’s Bond , etc).

Similarly, you and your opponent may roll dice for the Gunslinger’s Duel Defensive Ability, and then the Gunslinger may interrupt it’s resolution to spend an Evasive before resolving the result of the initial die roll.

Tokens and special cards


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 4

Gain opponent’s dice for your Roll Attempts:

A player with this token may spend it at the start of their Offensive Roll Phase. For each token spent, gain an opponent’s die. These dice may be included in all Roll Attempts during this Offensive Roll Phase.


Treant Complexity 6

The Treant is the most elder of contenders. He decided he could no longer be a stick in the mud weeping over willows. He chose to branch out, leafing his thicket behind with a sappy goodbye. He dug deep, packed his trunk, spruced himself up, and began lumbering ever closer to the true root of the problem–the Mad King.

Weapon of choice: Branches


You may spend 1 Spirit of each type once per turn to receive one of the effects. To ‘Grow a Spirit‘ means to gain a Seedling Seedling Spirit or upgrade an existing Spirit (from Seedling Seedling Spirit to Sapling Sapling Spirit or from Sapling Sapling Spirit to Dryad Dryad Spirit).


Rule Clarifications


They do not count as status effects (they are Companions). Spending a Spirit counts as an Instant Action.

Each Spirit type can only be spent once during each player’s turn (except during an opponent’s Ultimate).

If an ability causes you to “discard” or “remove” a Spirit, you do not also get to use its normal “spend” effect.

Dryad Dryad

Dryad Dryad can be spent to stop the Treant from becoming inflicted with Stun . A Dryad Dryad prevents an incoming status effect at the conclusion of the Offensive Roll Phase; therefore, the Stun token has not yet been inflicted.

Nature’s Grasp

If you spend a Spirit during your Attack, the damage is not lowered (since the damage being dealt is based upon the number of Spirits you have when the ability was activated).


If you grow a Seedling Seedling, you cannot use it to re-roll one of your Defensive Ability dice.

If you grow a Dryad Dryad, you cannot spend it to prevent an incoming status effect (since it must be spent at the conclusion of the Offensive Roll Phase).

If you grow a Sapling Sapling, you can spend it as long as you have not spent one earlier in the same turn.

Barbed Vine

Damage is only received if you are still afflicted with Barbed Vine at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

If your opponent has Health, they may still use all of their Offensive Roll Phase Roll Attempts since the damage from Barbed Vine is accumulated with all other damage and applied simultaneously at the conclusion of the Roll Phase.

Turn Phases

Game Mode
  1. Upkeep Phase: Resolve any Upkeep Phase maintenance (generally specified by status effects or Passive Abilities).

  2. Income Phase: Gain & draw card from your deck. Start Player skips their first Income Phase.

  3. Main Phase (1): Spend to play Hero Upgrade cards or Main Phase Action cards. Sell unwanted cards for each.

  4. Offensive Roll Phase: You may roll your dice up to 3 times, re-rolling any number of dice each time, to achieve a Final Dice Result that meets the Activation Requirement of a single Offensive Ability

  5. Targeting Roll Phase: Roll 1 die… Target any player. However, you receive a bonus card if you Attack the Leader.

    Target the opponent on your left.
    Target the opponent on your right.
    Your opponents choose which of them you target.
    Choose either opponent as your target.
    Target the opponent on the left.
    Target the opponent in the middle.
    Target the opponent on the right.
    Count around the table moving clockwise starting with the closest opponent on your left.
    Choose an opponent as the target.

    Any player may play Roll Phase Action Cards.

  6. Defensive Roll Phase: If you activated an Attack during your Offensive Roll Phase, your opponent may activate their Defensive Ability with a single Roll Attempt.

  7. Main Phase (2): Identical to Main Phase (1).

  8. Discard Phase: Sell cards for each until you have or fewer cards in your hand.

Dice Throne Adventures Turns

During the Portal Crawl, you will engage in battle with various Minions. The first 3 steps of your turn, Move & Explore, are only performed if you are not engaged with a Minion at the beginning of your turn. If you are engaged with a Minion at the beginning of your turn, skip the Move & Explore steps, and immediately proceed to the Minion Battle (steps 4–7).

Move & Explore (only if not engaged)

  1. Spend Salve Salve: Refer to the Scenario Card.
  2. Move: Move any distance across explored Environments to an unexplored Environment or ongoing Minion Battle.
  3. Explore: If you moved to an unexplored Environment during the Move step, reveal it and Resolve all its effects. If a Minion icon is shown, setup & engage the new Minion and proceed to Minion Battle.

Minion Battle (only if engaged)

  1. Spend Salve Salve: Same as above.
  2. First Strike : If applicable, complete Minion Step before Hero Step (below).
  3. Hero Step: Perform a complete Dice Throne turn.
  4. Minion Step: The Minion performs a complete Dice Throne turn (with a few exceptions).

During a Boss Battle, players will take turns in clockwise order until the Boss or your team is defeated. On your turn…

  1. Spend Salves Salve (optional): If desired, spend to Heal on the shared Health dial (may spend multiple).
  2. Hero Step: Perform a complete Dice Throne turn.
  3. Boss Step: The Boss performs a complete Dice Throne turn (with a few exceptions).

Ultimate Ability

Each hero and boss has an Ultimate ability that can be activated only during the Offensive Roll Phase, requiring five 6's to activate.

Opponents can use dice-modifying cards to prevent the Ultimate from being activated, but may take no other actions of any kind if the activation is successful. This means that no cards may be played, no status effects may be used, no companions may be activated, no Defensive Rolls may be taken, or any other action.

Unidentified Loot card

Any Common/Rare/Epic/Legendary Loot card gained from a Loot Chest and stored under your Hero board until the Shop Phase. Do not look at the card. You won’t discover what it is unless you pay 10 Gold Gold to identify it during the Shop Phase.

Unique Defense Unique Defense

Activated against all damage types apart from Ultimate Abilities unless stated otherwise.

Upkeep Phase

  1. Determine if any of your status effects, abilities, or Companions activate during your Upkeep Phase. Then resolve these effects.

    Note: this will not be applicable for most heroes during the beginning of the game.

  2. If there are multiple effects, the Active Player may choose the order in which they are resolved.

  3. All damage is accumulated and are applied simultaneously at the conclusion of the phase.

Vampire Lord

Vampire Lord Complexity 4

The Vampire Lord’s power paralyzes even the bravest fighters. No combatant is more vicious. Her rending claws will leave her foes bloody and hemorrhaging. Attempting to resist her mesmerizing gaze or overcome her powerful blood magic will prove deadly for any foolish enough to oppose her!

Weapon of choice: Blood Power


Rule Clarifications

Gaining Blood Power

If you are about to gain Blood Power beyond the Stack Limit, you may spend some to make room for the incoming Blood Power (since spending status effects is an Instant Action).

When you gain Blood Power , you gain it all at once and must be able to make room for all of it immediately or you will lose the excess (for example, if you were gaining 3, you cannot gain 2, spend 3, and then gain 1 more).

Spending Blood Power

“Once per turn” means during yours or your opponent’s turn.

1 Blood Power effect:

  • Can be spent any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll) but must be spent before damage is dealt.

2 Blood Power effect:

  • Activating this effect counts as an Instant Action (so your opponent may not spend the chosen status effect before this resolves).

4 Blood Power effect:

  • You may activate this effect at any time after an Attack activates (including before or after the defense roll) but must be spent before damage is dealt. However, you do not Heal until after your Attack damage is successfully dealt to your opponent

  • If an opponent heals during their defense, this does not affect the dmg successfully dealt (however, damage prevention would affect it).

  • You still Heal equal to the total damage successfully dealt by your Attack, even if your opponent’s health is less than this amount.


If the card you put into your hand from your Exsanguinate Utimate Ability is a Roll Phase Action or Instant Action card, you may play it immediately.


Mesmerize can be used on any die rolled (including their Ultimate).

Steal Health

Since this does not count as dealing damage, it cannot be prevented or reduced and does not count toward damage calculations. You cannot Steal more Health than your opponent has available.

Vibranium Suit

Vibranium Suit

Unique Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Prevent incoming damage:


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Next incoming Attack is undefendable:

When this token is inflicted deal as an isolated source of undefendable dmg.

The next time a player afflicted with this token is Attacked with normal damage, the damage type becomes undefendable instead and this token is immediately removed.


Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Heal ½ of 1 during Main Phase:

A player with this token may spend it during their Main Phase & roll 1 : gain ½ the value as Health (rounded up).

Wind Shear

Wind Shear

Positive Status Effect | Stack limit: 1

Redirect dmg to any opponent:

A player with this token may spend it when being Attacked to prevent incoming dmg.

Then choose an opponent to receive as an isolated source of undefendable dmg.


Negative Status Effect | Stack limit: 2

Reduce Attack dmg by per token:

When a player with a Wither token would deal normal or undefendable damage as a result of an Attack, reduce that dmg by per Wither token.

Attack Modifier. Persistent.


Wolverine Complexity 2

From the northern wilderness of Canada hails one of the gruffest, most irascible, brooding X-Men you will ever meet. The only thing more intense than his cynical posture is his savage rage.

Weapon of choice: Adamantium Claws


Rules Clarifications

Rage Rage

If you are about to gain more Rage Rage beyond the Stack Limit, you can spend some to make room for the incoming Rage Rage, as spending status effects is an Instant Action.

You may spend Rage Rage the turn you gain it.


Regardless of how Wolverine is splitting up damage as a result of his Ultimate Ability, no opponent may perform any action of any kind until the ability fully completes.

Recovery/Frenzy cards

Wolverine’s unique cards (Frenzy, Recovery, Astonishing Frenzy/Recovery) count against your hand limit and may be sold for if desired.

If these cards are discarded as a result of spending Rage Rage, no is gained (i.e. this does not count as “selling” this card).

Discarding a Recovery or Frenzy card does not count as “playing” that card (i.e. Crimson Bands Spells will not prevent this card from being discarded).

These cards have an effect that will only activate when discarded by a Rage Rage token.

Alpha Alpha

The Alpha Alpha dice roll results can be altered with cards or abilities (as long as those cards/abilities can be used during the appropriate phase).



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0 Damage 1 Damage 2 Damage 3 Damage 4 Damage 5 Damage 6 Damage 8 Damage 9 Damage 10 Damage 12 Damage 17 Damage 18 Damage +1 Damage +5 Damage Health 0 1 2 4 6 6 6 10 20 30 50 70 CP 1 CP 1 CP 2 CP 1 CP 15 CP 1 Card 1 Card 1 Card 4 Cards 6 Cards Defend 4